CI 4000
Classroom Management Notebook
Spring, 2004
20 points

During the semester, each student will develop a classroom management notebook of general and specific techniques and strategies. You will choose to focus on a grade span rather than one specific grade.  For example, you might choose K-2 or 2-4 or 3-5.   As you think about what to include in the notebook, keep in mind that decisions should be developmentally appropriate for the chosen grade span. A helpful resource to guide you in what is developmentally appropriate is the website:  The following categories will be present in the finished notebook in the order listed.  Each must be word-processed and completely free of all errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

1. Philosophy of Classroom Management-a formal statement, not more than one page in length and no less than ½ page, of your philosophy of classroom management.  Include how your teaching style and personality contribute to this overall philosophy.  Consider your own temperament, your personal likes and dislikes, sense of humor, patience, etc.

2. Rules, Consequences & Incentives- Develop 3-5 comprehensive rules for your classroom.  Develop 3-5 logical consequences for not adhering to these rules and  3-5 incentives you feel comfortable using to affirm  appropriate behavior.

3. Routines & Procedures-Develop a set of routines for: (a) coming in first thing in the morning; (b) students who want a drink of water; (c) students who want to use the restroom; (d) leaving the classroom for lunch, P.E. music etc.; (e) dismissing to go home.

4. Community of Learners-Develop 2 activities you can use to help students and teachers get to know each other and help set up the kind of learning community you wish to develop and foster.  One might be a getting-acquainted activity and another could focus on the tone of the learning community.

5. Sponge Activities- Include a minimum of 10 educational activities that can be done with a class as a “time-filler” when there are 5-10 minutes of time between other learning experiences.

6. 20 Management Strategies-10 preventative and  10 response strategies should be included.

7. Physical Environment-Sketch your ideal classroom and explain why you chose the particular arrangement.

8. 3 Useful Resources that you can access for helpful information on classroom management.  Include a reflection on each resource in your notebook.  A separate handout will be provided with websites.

9. Additional Resources- Include any other helpful resources received in class, from visiting teachers, or in your internship. This section is optional

For full points the following must be present:

• Thoughtfulness in making choices for each section is evident.  You want your choices to be representative of the type of teacher you aspire to be.

• Each section needs to be developmentally appropriate.

• A consistent philosophy of classroom management permeates the notebook.

• The entire notebook looks professional; is ready to be shown to a prospective employer; is neatly done with categories clearly differentiated.

• The notebook is complete.  There are no missing parts or partially completed sections

• The notebook is handed in on time.

• Grammar-There are no grammatical errors.  Deduction for errors

• Spelling-There are no spelling errors.  Deduction for errors