Internship Observations and Reflections

CI 4000, SPRinG, 2004

40 points

Dr. Pamela Schram

Observations and reflections about your field experiences can contribute greatly to your learning to teach. Each week you will reflect about something that you observed and learned about during your field experience and email it to me. Sometimes I will ask you to focus on something specifically, other times, you will choose the focus.  Reflection means more than merely describing what happened. Reflection involves analysis about what you observed. For example, analyzing why something was productive or not; being able to unpack the planning and thinking behind an action; thinking about how and why you would modify the activity.

At the end of your block, I would like for you to write a reflective essay about your experiences that includes reflections about block courses, field experiences and relationships between course work and field experiences. This is an important piece to write. The essay provides an opportunity for you to reflect about and synthesize your overall block experience. It should include your impressions, reflection on interactions, questions, and insights related to teaching and learning. Specific examples are helpful to illustrate various points. This is due on May 5.

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