Our world abounds with geometry. Our students come to us with many experiences interacting with geometric ideas. One way to help students understand geometric ideas in our K-6 curriculum is to help them see connections among those ideas and their daily life experiences. This project is an opportunity to explore geometry in our world and create a product that could be used in your future classroom with your students when you teach geometric concepts.
Butterfly image from: http://butterflywebsite.com/gallery/index.cfm
Soccer ball image from: http://soccerwebsite.tripod.com/images/images1.html
St. Louis arch image from: Arch:http://members.fortunecity.com/kim_and_ida/arch.html
The PowerPoint presentation
from class hopefully helped you start thinking about ways to explore geometry
in our world.
You may decide to take your
own photos or use images from the web or other resources. If you use the
internet, be sure and document your source. Some images are copyrighted
and require permission to use on your website. Be sure and pay careful
attention to this and submit documentation and permission with your project.
Many teachers and others have put together projects that they use. Here are some websites you might visit to get ideas about what you might create. Remember, I have looked at these too. :-)
http://kalama.doe.hawaii.edu/hern95/rt015/geo/ This was a series of slides created by Hawaiian teachers.
http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/webworldgems.html Webquest about geometry in our world
http://faculty.fullerton.edu/crenne/Geometry/geometry.htm More geometry in our world
http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b383/Grade6/Gr6GeomSites.html includes several links including short history of geometry
http://www.xtec.es/ceip-pompeufabra-lloret/ciencia/english/natu0.htm geometry in nature
School project focusing on geometry
You will have opportunities to present your product to your peers. The product is due on January 29.
To receive full credit for this assignment, you need to have a product that is: