iMovie Digital Video Editing: Notes
To Import a clip: Put tape in and press Play. Click Import
to start importing, click again to stop importing.
To import a still: Choose Edit>Preferences and then the Import tab.
In the box in "Still Clips are ___ seconds by default" type in the amount
of time you want your still clip to be and choose OK. Then choose File>Import
File and find you still image (.jpg) you want to use as your still.
To make two clips out of one: Select a clip and choose Edit>Split
clip at Playhead. The Playhead is the little downward pointing arrow
above the blue bar. This can be done to a video clip or an audio
clip; it can be done before a clip is in the project or after.
To switch back to Import after viewing a clip: slide the slider from
the film icon to the DV icon in the lower left.
To put a clip into the project: Drag it down!
To get the audio out of a clip into a separate audio track: Select
the clip in the project line (at the bottom), select Advanced>Extract audio.
You can now delete the picture and add others.
To add a transition,effect or or title: Select the appropriate button
below the clip window and drag whatever you want down into the project
line. Rendering transitions may take a few moments (watch the red
line grow).
To add a sound effect, spoken audio or CD music: choose Audio from
below the clip window. Drag sound effects or music tracks into the
timeline, or use the record voice or record music buttons to record into
the timeline.
To adjust the volume of a sound, click on it to select it and then drag
the volume slider in the lower right hand corner of the frame to the desired
To adjust the fade in and fade out effects on a sound, double click on
a sound and check the boxes you wish (fade in and/or fade out); then adjust
times for the effect.
When you are all done, get the person at the desk to help you export the
movie to digital video tape. Your camera will be hooked up to the computer
in the same way as when you imported clips (with a firewire and the camera
set to VCR) Choose File>Export Movie. Export to Camera, setting the
"Wait," "Add black before movie," and "Add black after movie" boxes to
10 seconds each.