Grading Rubric for Video Productions

(5)  Script:   To what extent did the script/ storyboard contribute to the success of the piece?  Was the script/storyboard done in a timely manner?  Was it sufficiently detailed?  Did planning show attention to the particular characteristics of the video medium?  Does the script show creative and innovative interpretation of the story?

(5)  Editing: To what extent did the technical and aesthetic choices made in editing contribute to the effect of this program? Does the piece use editing effectively to communicate in this medium? Is the piece concise and carefully constructed?

(5)  Audio: To what extent did the technical and aesthetic choices made about audio contribute to the effect of this program? Is all dialog audible?  Has it been rehearsed? Do background music and sound effects contribute to the effectiveness of the piece?

(5)  Visuals: To what extent did the technical and aesthetic choices made about visuals contribute to the effect of this program? Do camera framing and camera moves show careful planning and execution? Do they communicate effectively? Has a tripod been used?  Are graphics legible and effective?