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    The invention product is an excellent opportunity for the students to open their imaginations and allow their minds to take an object out of its original use and make it into something completely different.  Have the students pick a random object out of a pile that you, the teacher, supply. Any assortment of objects can be used. For example, the pile can have an old car battery, metal poles, a frying pan, a large metal ring, old tools, and an empty tool kit. It can be anything. The students (in pairs) pick an object and decide what their object is going to be, what it will be used for, and what it will be called. Then the students will individually write their own newspaper articles about their products, informing the public what it is all about.  This project allows the students to think about things differently. They're taking something out of its original context and making it their own. It really gets the juices flowing in their heads. Their articles and pictures can even be published on the web after they word process their advertisements. Visit the example page on this site to see exactly what it is. You can also visit the ultimate example at another site.

    This project covers several of the Language Art competencies:

           3rd Grade
                    Competency Goal 4.10 Explore technology as a tool to create a written
           4th Grade

                    Competency Goal 3.06 Conduct research for assigned projects or
                                     self-selected projects (with assistance) from a variety of
                                     sources through the use of technological and informal
                                     tools (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people,
                                     libraries, databases, computer networks).

                    Competency Goal 4.02 Use oral and written language to:

                                          present information and ideas in a clear, concise
                                          solve problems.
                                          make decisions.

                   Competency Goal 4.10 Use technology as a tool to gather, organize, and
                                     present information.

                   Competency Goal 5.09 Create readable documents through legible
                                     handwriting and/or word processing.

            5th Grade

                Competency Goal 4.02 Use oral and written language to:

                                          formulate hypotheses.
                                          evaluate information and ideas.
                                          present and support arguments.
                                          influence the thinking of others.

               Competency Goal 4.07 Compose a variety of fiction, nonfiction, poetry,
                                     and drama using self-selected topic and format (e.g.,
                                     poetry, research reports, news articles, letters to the
                                     editor, business letters).

                  Competency Goal 4.10 Use technology as a tool to enhance and/or publish
                                     a product.

                  Competency Goal 5.08 Create readable documents through legible
                                     handwriting and word processing.

    To view the entire Language Arts Curriculum click here.
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Student Page
Example Page