Modern Fashion and Invention Activity

Grade Level: 4
Competencies Met: This activity integrates Language Arts, Technology,  Information, and Social Studies competencies from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for fourth graders. Click here for a list of the specific competencies met. Link to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
Description: This activity will have students pick a random object, develop an idea for an invention, take pictures using a digital camera, write a news article incorporating an allusion to popular culture, peer review a friend's article, and develop a final product in the form of a Web page using the programs Microsoft Word, Netscape Composer, and Adobe Photoshop.
    Assorted random items
    digital cameras
    two or three floppy disks per student
    Computers with Netscape Composer, Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop and an Internet connection.
    Optional worksheet. Link to a printable worksheet for this assignment.
    Students will work in groups of four or five in order to develop a new product idea based on an item they select from the mysterious basket of oddities.  Using this item, they will create an idea for a marketable product.  The product they invent can not be the object's original intended use.
    They will then photograph this new item in use with a digital camera. Save the pictures to a disk. All group members should be involved in this process.  Every group member should appear in at least one photograph and should have a turn at being photographer.  In their groups, the digital photographs should be cropped using Adobe Photoshop. Link here for a tutorial on Adobe Photoshop.
    Each person will then compose a a handwritten news article.  Included within the written text should be some allusion to the popular culture of television, film/video, or literature; this could be a character, distinct event, or plot.
    After everyone in the group is completed a rough draft,  the students should exchange products and answer the following questions:
1. What aspect/s of popular culture did they use in their piece?
2. Why do you believe that they chose to use those particular popular icons?
3. Would a person from another country be able to understand their writing?
4. Please find five words and look them in the thesaurus.  Write down some possible synonyms.
Return the writings to their authors.  Authors consider changing some of the words to synonyms that are more specific.
Link to a printable worksheet for this assignment.
    They should return each other's rough drafts.  At this time, all needed corrections should be made.  They should then compose a final copy in Microsoft Word.  Click here on instructions on how to use Microsoft Word.
    Using Netscape Composer, each student will develop their own web page.  Click here for an explanation of how to use Netscape Composer.
Teacher Feedback: The teacher should provide feedback during the assignment via e-mail.
Grading Rubric:
Article (20%)
Peer Review (20%)
Cooperation (20%)
Technology Usage (20%)
great; the article is very well thought out with correct grammar usage.
great; unique ideas
great; worked well with group members
needs work
needs work
needs work
needs work
needs work
no attempt made or extremely poor work
no attempt made or extremely poor work
no original thought apparent
Fought with group members
no attempt made or extremely poor work

Special Notes:
    Signed permission slips are needed to post student's pictures on the Internet. These are in addition to the permission slips needed for students to use the Internet.
    The teacher should assign groups in order to allow for the success of each child.  Each child should have the same equal access time.  A possible solution to this problem is rotating which children have computer time every day.
    This project will take time.  It should not be done in a week even under the best circumstances (each child have an individual computer).
    Even though each child will produce their own web page, encourage them to help each other.
Master Page
Student Page
Example Page