Media Literacy Activities Fall 1999

Product Persuasion  --This project is geared for both fifth and sixth graders.  For the fifth graders, they will be focusing on descriptive writing as they write a letter to a advertising company describing what type of product they created and how they want it advertised.  The sixth grade focuses on clarification writing as they pose as the advertisement company and try to create a billboard from the descriptive letters that the fifth graders have written.--Jenifer Frye and Deanna Callicutt

Billboard Advertising -- This project works with both the fifth and sixth grades.  The sixth grade part of the project focuses on the use of billboards in the community as a form of advertisement.  Other types of advertising including commercials and print ads will also be discussed.  The sixth grade will send proposals to the fifth grade class about an advertisement for their products, pending their approval the sixth graders will then create the final product and display it in the school.-- Wendy Thompson and Kerry Butler

Comic Relief -- This activity is designed for first graders. The objective is to show that there are many different ways of communication including a comic strip or cartoon. Students also learn the importance of sequene in a story ans have the opportunity to contribute to a group story --  Keith Silver and April Clark

Creating a Newspaper -- This lesson is written for second and third grade students.  The students will discuss the sections of a newspaper and create their own.  The goals of this project is to allow the students to examine the newspaper and compose their own version. --Summer Harpold, Soleil Mull, Jennifer Rowe.

 News Broadcast -- This activity is designed for first and second graders.  The students will be producing their own version of a news broadcast about the events going on in their school.  The students will be involved in practicing different forms of media.  They will be responsible for creating the script, helping to record the production using the video recorder, and creating advertisements.  This activity corresponds with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study in the Language Arts and Computer and Technology Skills curriculums -- Lisa Miller, Abby Mullinax

Vegi-Tales Lesson Plan --This web page contains a media literacy lesson that incorporates narrative
writing into TV watching with the students becoming the writers of a script for a show. -- Nikki Leginngs

The Environment Project -- This is a lesson on the environment which allows students to research and write about their local environment while learning about media literacy -- Jennifer L. Warren

Comic Strips --  The children are taught chronological order and sequences.  Here they will form their own stories, put together their own comic strip, and learn more about newspapers.  This activity keeps the children busy and their minds working constantly --Natalie Beckett

 Kids in Commercials -- This webpage contains the lesson Christi Wendell and Beverly McBroom taught to students about advertising media.  Also included on the webpage are sample magazine ads, logos, and links to appropriate sites
dealing with jingles, false advertising, and slogans -- Christi Wendell and Beverly McBroom