Story Pictures
(Grade 3)

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Story Pictures Assignment
Grade 3

This activity will help students develop writing and computer skills by creating a story in a word processing document accompanied by pictures that are to be accessed on the Internet at <>.  The computer skills students will practice are word processing skills and transporting images from a web page to a word processing document via copying and pasting.  Students will demonstrate writing skills through sequencing, using the elements of the story (plot, theme, characters, character's goals, and setting) and fabricating their own story.

Things to Consider:
This activity may be successfully used as a group or individual project.  In a group setting, students can share ideas and knowledge for the story and use of the computer.  However, grouping students for this activity may limit each student's amount of participation.  If this activity is used as an individual project, more time will be necessary.  To accommodate this, the lesson lends itself to being separated into two parts:  1) student views images and creates a story and 2) student works on the computer creating the final product.  The project will be time consuming, so it should be allotted an ample amount of time for completion.

Link  to  Language Arts Curriculum Grade 3:
Competency Goal 3:  The learner will make connections through the use of oral
                                  language, written language, and media and technology.
This competency goal will be met as students use the computer to work with word processing and the Internet.
Competency Goal 4.02:  Use oral and written language to:
·    Present information in a sequenced, logical manner
·    Recount or narrate
This competency goal is met as students narrate the images and sequence them to follow their story.
Competency Goal 4.04:  Use planning strategies (with assistance) to generate topics and
    to organize ideas (e.g., drawing, mapping, discussing, listing).
This competency goal is met as students create a rough draft of their story.
Competency Goal 4.09:  Produce work that follows the conventions of particular genres
   (e.g., personal narrative, short report, friendly letter, directions,
This competency goal is met as students narrate the images.
Competency Goal 4.10:  Explore technology as a tool to create a written product.
This competency goal is met as students apply their computer skills with word processing and the Internet to create the Story Pictures.
Competency Goal 5 (-5.07):  The learner will apply grammar and language conventions
to communicate effectively.
These competency goals are met as students compose several paragraphs and use various strategies to create a written product.  They will take steps to correct their writing through proofreading and teacher assistance.

Link to Computer/Technology Curriculum Grade 3:
Competency Goal 1 (-1.5):  The learner will  understand important issues of a technology based society and will exhibit ethical behavior in the use of computer and other technologies.
Competency Goal 2 (-2.11):  The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other strategies.
Competency Goal 3 (-3.4):  The learner will use a variety of technologies to access,  analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information.
These competency goals are  met as students use the computer skills that are necessary to complete the story pictures assignment.  They also demonstrate this competency by citing information correctly and recognizing the uses of technology.