Dear Parents-

    Well, we are off to the start of another school year and I am very excited about working with your child in the coming

months.  Throughout the year we will be working on many research projects that require the use of the Internet.  The Internet

can be a powerful resource for these projects because it provides a world of information that can be used to enhance the

learning that is taking place.  The Internet will only be used as a resource for obtaining information.  We would like to ask for

your permission to allow your children the opportunity to use the Internet while working in our classroom as well as in the

computer lab.  The only access that your child will have is to the Yahooligans search engine for children.  Please check the

appropriate box at the end of this letter and include your signature.  Please have your children return this permission slip

promptly.  Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to work with your child this year.  I know that I will learn from them as

they learn from me.


                                                                                                    Mrs. Jessica Coulter

_____  Yes, I give my child, _____________________________, permission to research topics using the Internet.

_____  No, I do not give my child, _____________________________, permission to research topics using the Internet.

Parent Signature __________________________________________________