Permission Slip for Media Activities


Date: _________

Dear Parent/Guardian:

As a part of our class work this year, we may be using videotape, audiotape or taking photos in the classroom.  These can be helpful activities to myself and to students to provide visual or audio references in order for us to look back on what we have learned.

Any products we create will be used within the school and handled in a confidential manner.  Please indicate below if it is acceptable to include your child in any of these activities and return this form to my by ________________________.

Thank you for your cooperation!
Sincerely, Miss Otvos

Student Name:__________________
Check one:
 ___ Yes, I will allow for my child to partake in these activities.
 ___ No, I will not allow for my child to partake in these activities.

Parent/Guardian Signature:__________________    Date:___________________