Content Area Links

Important Education Websites
We consider these links to be especially important for our students and other North Carolina educators.

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction information system includes the NC curriculum, lesson plans, licensure and employment information and other resources.

A high school curriculum that is completely online. You need to check this out. You will need a password to get into it. E-mail your instructor and ask for the password.

The Educational Resource Information Center is a federally-funded national information system that provides, through its 16 subject-specific clearinghouses, associated adjunct clearinghouses, and support components, a variety of services and products on a broad range of education-related issues.

The original "Content area Literacy Information Consortium" developed by Professors Moorman and Trathen. Contains extensive links to content area websites.

Websites Organized by Subject

Math Science English/Language Arts
Social Studies Foreign Languages Art
Music Theatre Physical Education
Vocational Education Business Education Agriculture

Websites Organized by Topic

Diversity and Multiculturalism

Learning Theories Adolescent Literature
Research Professional Publications and Organizations Board Certification
Educational Psychology Educational News Government
Educational Technology Teacher Portfolio
Classroom Management Special Education ESL
Interesting Websites From TRLD Conference
Growing Up Digital Based on the book by Don Tapscott, discusses the generation that is growing up with the web
Tapped In TAPPED IN is the online workplace of an international community of education professionals
Project Intersect A library of webbased and "supported" textbooks
Digital libraries A hotlinked list of digital libraries from the Project Intersect
Digital books A hotlinked list of digital content area textbooks



updated 5/19/06