Before Reading:

·        Read each statement and mark, in the "Me" column a positive or a negative.
A positive being that you agree with the statement and a negative being you disagree with the statement.
Be sure to mark each statement with a positive or a negative.

During the reading of the story, think about how the author feels about each of the statements.

After Reading:

·        After you have read the story, fill in the "Author" column.


M=my opinion

A=Author's point of view

M___A___ 1. Family is always more important than money.

M___A___ 2. If you save money you will always have what you need.

M___A___ 3. Receiving payment for services is the most important thing in a business.

M___A___ 4. If you are kind to people now, they may repay you in the future.

M___A___ 5. Poor people get a lower degree of service than rich people.

M___A___ 6. Any dream you have can be achieved with hard work and dedication.

M___A___ 7. Before the Civil Rights Movement, people of color were separated from    white people. 

 M___A___ 8. During the Great Depression people did not have much money; life was a daily struggle.


Adapted from:

Discuss the students’ feelings about the activity.
See if anyone changed their point of view after reading the story and why.
Ask if most of the class agreed with the author or disagreed and why.