Russian's places and people
First, this chapter starts out by asking us questions like:
    How would you like to rent an Russian military helicopter to go sightseeing, or explore the controls of an abandoned Russian army tank,or ride a cog railway up a steep hill to watch ships in a crowded harbor?
     This is all posible in Vladivostok,Russia's major ports opening on the Pacific Ocean.Then for 45years Russian's would not let foreners come and visit other people they wanted to see.
     Lesson 1
Russia And Neighborng Lands
     Russiais twice the size of china and U.S.A.The Urail more than 2,000 miles (3,220km) from near Russian's northern coast to it's sothern border.

Landforms and Agriculture
    The landformsin Russia differ from in its former republics south of the Caurasus Mtn and in  Central Asia.
Russia-unlike other regions of Europe, which contains a variety fo landforms in a small area ,Russia's landcape is unchanging for thousands of miles.
    The Russian world for plains is steppes. The steppes extending from Russia's Western border to the Ural Mtns. are part of the Northern  European plains. So Russian world of plains is steppes.