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                  AROUND THE SCHOOL

By simply walking around Mabel Elementary School, it's easy to find ways that media have inconspicuously made its way into the lives of the students.  They are things that we do not even give a second glance to, but affect our opinions of things all the same.

A Coke ad located above the scoreboard in the gym

Have you ever really noticed the scoreboard?  Most scoreboards in schools do have advertisements on them.  The idea is that every time you look at the score, you will subconsciously think... "Gee, I wish I had a coke!"  It's little things like this that we pass by everyday, never giving it a second thought.  What else, one might ask, is around the school, that quietly influences our decisions?


These drink machines, found in the cafeteria, influence children's beverage choices daily.  The gatorade machine tempts the innocent children with its erupting bright green liquid.  Unable to resist, the children shun the healthy fruit juice machine, desiring the satisfaction available from the "Thirst Quencher," Gatorade.  Advertisements and the attractiveness of the external product, effect our purchases as adults, and even our children's decisions.  A survey taken during lunchtime (of the elementary students) revealed that our hypothesis was correct.  79% of the children chose  Gatorade over fruit juice.  When questioned on what they based their decision on, only 54% had ever even tried Gatorade.  They were basing their decision solely on the fact that the Gatorade machine was "cooler" or "prettier."  10% were undecided as to which beverage they preferred, and 11% chose the fruit juice because it was "healthier."



These calendars are also found within the school, one in the library and one in a classroom.  Harry Potter paraphernalia is very common.  It has created such a hype among young people that teachers try to post related items in order to grab students attention.  The students then see the material everywhere around school and recognize its popularity, desiring it more with everyday.
This has been one of the causes of Harry Potter's growing popularity, this along with all the novelty items that the students observe when they are out with their community.

The Doctor Pepper calendar is an advertisement similar to the Coke ad on the scoreboard.  It is there to subliminally make people desire Dr. Pepper.



These images are found in the cafeteria.  The milk ad shows that media is used to promote healthy, good things as well.  By showing athletes and famous people drinking milk, students believe that they too will be a stellar athlete.  This is a positive thing, since it is milk, but they may fall victim later to things such as alcohol ads or cigarette ads.  These ads also cause people to think they will be like the people in the advertisement (beautiful, wealthy, or more fun) if they use these products.  Media has a great impact on us all, as citizens and consumers.  We have to remember though how much power media does have over us, as well as our students and help make them aware so they make healthy decisions they can live with.

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 Students' Possessions
 Students' Attitudes
 Reactions to a Day of Terror