Policy Identification
Priority: High Student Achievement
Category: Promotion Standards
Policy ID Number: HSA-N-001
Policy Title: 16 NCAC 6D.0304 Policy outlining grade-level expectations for public school students
Current Policy Date: 08/03/1995
Other Historical Information:
Statutory Reference:
Administrative Procedures Act (APA) Reference Number and Category:
16 NCAC 6D.0304
(a) In grades K-2, teachers must identify those students who are not
performing at grade-level expectations. In grades 3-8,
grade-level proficiency is Level III or above on end-of-grade tests
in reading and mathematics.
(b) LEAs shall issue the NC standardized high school transcript to high
school students at the end of each school year to inform
parents and students of student progress.
(c) LEAs shall provide focused intervention to all students who do not
demonstrate grade-level proficiency. This intervention
shall include extended instructional opportunities that are different
from and supplemental to the normal instructional
opportunities and that are specifically designed to improve the student's
performance to grade-level proficiency. Strategies may
include but are not limited to alternative learning models, special
homework, smaller classes, tutorial sessions, extended school
day, Saturday school, modified instructional programs, parental involvement,
summer school instruction, or retention.
(d) LEAs shall use existing funding resources to provide focused assistance
designed to improve student performance to
grade-level proficiency.
(e) LEAs decide to promote or retain a student based on local policy
and discretion, but must consider test scores and other
information that may indicate a student's grade-level proficiency.
(f) The department will monitor LEAs and schools annually for progress
in increasing the number of students who meet the
standard for grade-level proficiency. The department uses percentages
of students who are above grade-level proficiency and
of those who have moved from Level I to Level II to compare progress
from year to year.
(g) The SBE uses district-level report cards to monitor the progress
of LEAs. LEAs shall use school improvement reports to
monitor schools in their district.