Teacher Page


Master Page Example Page Student Page

 This Assignment requires student's to use their imagination to create an invention.  Using their inventions, students will compose a news article or advertisement explaining what their invention is.  Afterwords, students will take pictures of their invention with a digital camera to put on a webpage along with the article.  This activity is designed for a fifth grade classroom.

The Process:

*Tell the class they that are going to create their own invention from several materials that are provided by the teacher.  These materials should be random, interesting items in which they can pick and choose from.
*Next students will divide into groups to come up with ideas about what inventions they might make from their materials.
*After creating an invention, each student will write a news article or advertisement for their invention ( see example on example page).
*Each child will be loaned a digital camera in which they will take pictures of themselves with their invention.

*Students can resize their pictures by using Adobe Printshop.
*Each student should be given a floppy disk to save their picture on.

*The Web page can be created through Navigator Composer.
*The web page will include their newsletter about the invention along with the picture.

****NOTE:  Make sure to keep up with students progress through email.  Have students email you their work as they progress, and respond with feedback for the students.


* Box of random materials to be used by students when creating their inventions.
*digital camera
*floppy disk for pictures to be saved on in camera
*zip disk to save all final work
*A big smile :)

Competencies from the Standard Course of Sudy:

This activity meets the following curriculum goals in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for fifth grade:
Computer Skills Curriculum: 2.4 and 3.7
Language Arts Curriculum: 1.01, 1.04, 4.08, 5.01, 5.07, and 5.08
Information Skills Curriculum: 4.09, 4.10, 5.02, 5.04, and 5.05.


For Group Work

* Pick student groups by counting off by a number that divides your class fairly evenly.
* Three to four students per group is usually the best.
* Keep track of each groups progress and make sure that all are getting their thoughts into the discussion.

For management of technology resources:

*Make sure that each students gets a turn with each technology resource such as the computer or digital camera.
*If there are a limited number of computers make sure that each child gets to spend the same amount of time on the computer.
*Make students aware that the computers and cameras are to be handled certain ways.  Perhaps have the media coordinator talk to the class prior to this project.

Please Note:  Students of all intelligences have special needs.  Extra time should be alloted for students who work at a slower pace.  For AIG students, projects can be added such as finding different fonts or icons.

Permission slips are required to post student pictures on the internet.