North Carolina Standard Course of Study Requirements

Language Arts--5th Grade
Information Skills--5th Grade
Computer Skills--5th Grade

Language Arts--5th
1.03 Increase reading and writing vocabulary through:

2.06 Analyze choice of reading materials congruent with
purposes (e.g., reading for information, reading to extend
content area learning, reading for pleasure,

2.07 Evaluate the usefulness and quality of information
and ideas based on purpose, experiences, text(s), and

4.02 Use oral and written language to:

4.03 Make oral and written presentations to inform or
persuade selecting vocabulary for impact.

 4.06 Compose a draft that elaborates on major ideas and
adheres to the topic by using an appropriate organizational
pattern that accomplishes the purpose of the writing task
and effectively communicates its content.

 4.07 Compose a variety of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and
drama using self-selected topic and format (e.g., poetry,
 research reports, news articles, letters to the editor,
business letters).

4.09 Produce work that follows the conventions of
particular genres (e.g., clarification, essay, feature story,
business letter).

4.10 Use technology as a tool to enhance and/or publish a

5.01 Consistently use correct capitalization (e.g., names of
 magazines, newspapers, organizations) and punctuation
 (e.g., colon to introduce a list, commas in apposition,
commas used in compound sentences).

5.04 Determine the impact of word choice on written and
spoken language.

5.06 Proofread for accuracy of spelling using appropriate
strategies to confirm spelling and to correct errors.

5.07 Edit final product for grammar, language conventions,
and format.

5.08 Create readable documents through legible
handwriting and word processing.

Information Skills--5th
1.03 Demonstrate appropriate care of resources.

1.04 Acknowledge ownership of ideas.

1.07 Follow acceptable use policy (AUP/IUP) for
                                electronic resources.

 1.08 Select and use independently, both within and
 outside the school, a variety of resources (print,
non-print, electronic) and formats (print, graphical,
audio, video, multimedia).

1.09 Recognize that ideas are produced in a variety of
formats (print, graphical, audio, video, multimedia,

.04 Develop and express personal criteria for selecting
 resources for information needs and enjoyment.

2.05 Determine usefulness of information resources.

4.04 Follow acceptable use guidelines (AUP/IUP) in
accessing information.

4.05 Gather information.

4.06 Comply with the Copyright Law (P. L. 94-553).

4.07 Organize and use information.

4.08 Credit sources of information.

4.09 Present information in a variety of formats (print,
graphical, audio, video, multimedia).

4.10 Evaluate the product.

5.02 Produce media in various formats (print, graphical,
audio, video, multimedia) appropriate to audience and

5.03 Collaborate with others, both in person and
through technologies, to identify information problems
and to design, develop, and evaluate information
products and solutions.

5.04 Credit sources in all print, non-print, and products.

 5.05 Apply fair use copyright guidelines (Copyright
Law, P. L. 94-553) in all projects.

Computer Skills--5th Grade

2.1 Use technology tools to collect, analyze, and
display data. (SI)

2.3 Use keyboarding skills to improve speed and
accuracy. (KU/WP/DTP)

2.4 Use a word processing application to create and
format a document. (KU/WP/DTP)