Should  You  Just Eat One?

Stephanie Lightfoot and Jamie Dalrymple



 Thank you for visiting our web site. Our names are Jamie Dalrymple and Stephanie Lightfoot. We are elementary education majors at Appalachian State University. We are in our last year and are trying to put together as many lesson plans possible that will useful in our classrooms.
 This web page is a health lesson plan on the various potato chips. We chose to do this because students consume a great amount of potato chips all of the time. This includes a lesson on how to analyze what is in  the  media. This is another reason why we chose potato chips.  There are also a lot of commercials, advertisements, and web pages that consist of information about potato chips. This is helpful for the students to do their research We also feel that it is important for the students to begin to learn to read the commercials and decide on whether or not they are factual.


        Our audience will be Fifth and Sixth Graders, between the ages of 10-13.  We assume that the learners will be television watchers and through this activity they will be able to take see how to take apart a television advertisment to find truths.


        A. Objectives from the Healthy Living Curriculum.

            Fifth Grade:
                5.3) Selecting reliable sources of food and diet information

                Sixth Grade:
                5.1) Identifying food groups and recommended servings from the food guide pyramid
                5.2) Analyzing the relationships among diet, exercise, and body weight
                5.3) Selecting foods high in vitamin A, iron, and vitamin C

        B. Objectives from the Information Skills Curriculum

                1.2)  Identifying computers as tools for accessing current information
                2.2)  The learner will engage in a research process to meet informational needs


        1. Show students various ads on potato chips.
        2. Discuss with the students what they saw, what they thought about the commercials, and how truthful they found
            the commercials.
        3. Ask students various questions about potato chips
                 1. What types of chips do you like and why?
                 2. What types of chips (if any) are usually in your household and why?
                 3. Do you think Wow potato chips and baked potato
                    chips are really that much better to eat and why?
                 4. Do you know what Olean is and what it is made of?
        4. Have the students do research to see what they are able to find out about the various kinds of potato
        5. Regroup with the students after they have found the research and discuss what they have found.
        6. Have the students create a "truthful" advertisement for a magazine or newspaper, about their favorite
    potato chips using the research they have found.

Media Literacy Key Concepts 

1.  All media are constructions.  Media products are carefully crafted constructions, the results of many decisions, conscious and unconscious.

2.  The media are commercial entities.  All media products are shaped, in terms of both their form and their content, by commercial considerations.

3.  Media communicate values and ideology.  All media products contain implicit and explicit value messages and assumed truths about the nature of human beings and the world in which we live.

4.  The media have social and political implications.  The mass media have the potential to affect out behavior as individuals and citizens in a variety of ways.

5.  Media forms are related to content.  Different media represent reality in different ways:  the form of a given piece of media shapes the message it sends.

6.  The media have aesthetic qualities.  Familiarity with the aesthetic dimensions of media can lead to deeper understanding and greater enjoyments.

7.  Audiences are involved in the process of creating meaning.  What a viewer makes of a piece of media depends on his or her past experiences, viewing skill, and current state of mind.

Reflection will go here


Center for Media Literacy
This is a web page designed for teachers.
media information for young kids to look up
Rob's Project for Media Awareness
The Media Literacy Online Projects


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