Picture Sequencing Lesson Plan

Objective:       Students will use the internet to access information and transfer the images to a word                     processing document.  In the word processing document, the students will sequence the images and create their own story based on the order of the images.

Links to North Carolina Standard Course of Study

Grade 3 Computer/Technology Skills
Compentcy Goal 2 and Goal 3

English Language Art
Compentcy Goal 3 and Goal 4

Grade 4 Computer/Technology Skill
Compentcy Goal 2 and Goal 3

English Language Art
Compentcy Goal 2, Goal 3, Goal 4



1).  Export each of the following images into a word processing document.  Arrange the  images in order.
2).  Write a story to that explains the sequence of events.  Be as descriptive and creative as you can.  You might want to utilize a table format for this activity.
3).  Print your story and pictures to display in the classroom.

Teachers' Corner:  This activity incorporates sequencing, narrative writing, descriptive writing, data retrieval processes and word processing skills together.  Your students will have no idea they are learning so much at one time.  Allow the students to be as creative as they can be and you are guaranteed to end up with some great stories for you classroom.