Dear Parent/Guardian:
As a first year teacher in North Carolina, I am required to complete a professional portfolio. This portfolio will contain video-taped lessons that I teach in the classroom, photographs of students at work, finished student work and/or audiotape of student/teacher conversations. There may be occasions in which I will need to copy (photocopy, scan, videotape or photograph) student work.
The portfolio I create will be reviewed by my professionally mentor, principal and county school board. Please indicate below if it is permissible to include your child on videotape, in photographs and/or on audiotape.
Please return this to me by_________________.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance!
Ms. Carroll
Please check one :
_____YES, my child may be videotaped, audiotaped or photographed.
_____NO, my child may not be videotaped, audiotaped or photographed.
Parent/Guardian signature:_________________________________Date_____________