Computer Rules for the Classroom

1.  Students will use the computer in a way that is beneficial to their learning.

2.  Students will not copy other people’s work, words, software, or programs.

3.  Students will not use the computer to harm themselves or others.

4.  Students should not use the computer to steal.

5.  Students will not use the Internet unless they have a signed permission slip from their parents.

6.  Students will not use the Internet to find resources, documents, or text that is inappropriate for their age.

7.  Students must have a signed permission slip to have a personal email account.

8.  Students will not attempt to disrupt computer systems or destroy data by spreading viruses, or by some other means.

9.  Students will not use the computer to engage in any illegal activities.

10.  Students will not use any profane, obscene or inappropriate language when displaying information.

11.  Students will not post private information about others.

12.  Students will follow copyright laws and not reproduce anything, which contains a copyright.