Inquiry Project Teaching Reflection

What went well?  Why?
The introduction went well, because we were going for a confusion and that was definitely there.  We wanted everyone to get an understanding of how ESL students feel in a classroom.  By placing the handout in front of the "students" and having them try and complete something that they could not decode caused confusion and frustration.

What did not goes as well?  Why?
Reading the Hmong Cinderella.  I wanted to read this story to show how you could integrate a culture into your classroom and to give some ideas about Hmong culture, but time did not allow and I wanted to be able to bring my roommate in and let the class ask questions that they might have.

What would you do differently?  Why?
If I had to do this project again, I would have brought in a Hmong student who is friends with my roommate to talk with the class.  This would have allowed everyone to get a better understanding of the culture, because it is very unique and interesting.

What did you learn about teaching? 
That you need more than just lecture to teach students.  You need to keep them interested and provide different ways of teaching to meet the needs of your students.

What did you learn about yourself as a teacher?
That I work well and can compromise with my co-workers.  That no matter what you plan out for you lesson, it does not always work out because of time so you have to choose what to present.  Which means that you often leave out valuable information.  Movement is a necessity, if you don't allow your students to move around you will lose their attention and they will not stay attentive.