Stacey Hembree and Casey York
Grade level: 3
Teacher materials needed:
-transparency with types of music to choose from
-transparency of a blank graph on a thirty point scale
Student materials needed:
-(optional) ruler
My mathematical goals for this lesson:
-teach students to read a bar graph
-introduce vocabulary needed to understand bar graphs: scale, bar graph
-review whole numbers
-begin to asses whether or not students understand the use of graphs
Related to NC Standard Course of Study
Today we are going to continue our work with graphs. Yesterday we learned
how to read a pictograph. Today we are going to learn how to read a bar
Here is what we have to do first. We are going to vote on what our favorite type of music is. Our choices are: Pop, Rock, Jazz, Soul, Classical, Rap, and Country. Be thinking about what your favorite is .
Review whole number. Ask students to identify the whole number between two numbers. What whole number is between 12 and 14, (13). What whole number is between 26 and 28, (27).
Have students predict which type of music will have the least/most votes.
Have students vote on their favorite type of music and record on the
overhead transparency. Put up blank graph. Ask students why they
think it is on a thirty point scale. Graph one of the types of music
on the overhead and have students complete individually.
Have students read graphs to see which type of music had the most/least amount of votes. Ask students to identify which type of music had a specific number of votes.
Have each student color his or her graph, title and write the type that
was most favorite and the type that was least favorite.
-Did all students determine that the same types of music had
most/least votes?
-Did all students have the same amount of votes for each type of music?
-Do students understand scale?
-Can the students understand how information can go from written form
to bar graph form and mean the same?