Laura J. Dale
Personal Information
Born: June 21, 1980
Permanent Address and Phone: 1725 Rondo Dr.
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 756-5265
Current Address and Phone: ASU Box 7014
Boone, NC 28608
B.S. Elementary Education, Appalachian State University, May 2002
Certificates Held
Major Area: Elementary Education, K-6
Minor Held: English
Student Teaching, Mabel Elementary School, 2nd Grade, Spring 2002;
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Tonya McKinney.
During my student teaching I gradually worked my way up from teaching
one subject everyday to teaching all subjects everyday. I taught all day
everyday for a five week period, then gradually worked my way back down
to teaching one subject everyday. The last week of student was spent observing
different classrooms and experiencing the atmosphere of other grades. By
completing my internship and student teaching in the same second grade
classroom, I have become extremely confident in standing in front of the
classroom and teaching the second grade curriculum. I am very familiar
with the curriculum and the abilities of children on the second grade level.
Because of the student teaching and internship in second grade, I was able
to observe and teach second graders basically throughout the whole school
year. The second graders I worked with were all on varying learning levels.
I taught and/or organized reading groups on four different learning levels,
word study groups on three different learning levels, and arranged assistance
for below level and struggling math students. Student teaching was an extremely
rewarding experience.
Mid-Year Assessment Proctor; 7th Grade, Mabel Elementary, Spring 2002.
During this experience I handed out materials for the 7th grade mid-year
assessments and monitored student work during the assessments. This experience
allowed me to explore the process of mid-year assessments and observe the
assessments being administered. It exposed me to the kind of material that
is covered on the mid-year assessments and it gave me an idea of what this
kind of testing is like.
Internship, Mabel Elementary School, Zionville, NC, Fall 2001.
Cooperating teacher: Mrs. Tonya McKinney. During this experience, I
worked with second grade students. This was an extremely beneficial experience
as I prepared for student teaching. I assisted students with word studies
and word sorts, taught an Investigations math lesson, administered Timed
Repeated Readings to below level reading students, observed Mrs. McKinney
and assisted her with anything she needed. During this experience, I benefited
greatly from the knowledge learned on classroom management, discipline,
and assessment.
Head counselor at Camp Caroline, Arapahoe, NC, Summer 2000. During this experience, I was held accountable for the counselor staff at Camp Caroline and administered weekly meetings. I was also held accountable for five to eight campers of my own every week. The camp welcomed anywhere from thirty to one hundred children every week as we engaged in regular Bible study, worship, canoeing, swimming, sailing, scavenger hunts, talent shows, and many other activities for children in all grade levels from second grade to twelfth grade, depending on the week. I was responsible for leading Bible study every day and leading worship services at least once a week. One week of camp was especially designed for mentally and physically handicapped adults. Another week was especially designed for underprivileged girls, ages 8-11.
Counselor at Camp Caroline, Arapahoe, NC, Summer 1999. During this experience, I was held accountable for five to eight campers every week, varying grade levels week to week. I was responsible for leading Bible study every day and leading worship services at least once a week. One week was especially for mentally and physically handicapped adults. Another week was especially for underprivileged girls, ages 8-11.
Internship, 5th Dimension Program, Blowing Rock Elementary School, Blowing Rock, NC, Spring 2000. During this experience, I attended the after school program at Blowing Rock Elementary School and worked with students on word processing and computer games. This experience exposed me to one-on-one relationships with students while improving student technology skills.
Activities and Interests
Local Employment (Shift Leader at TCBY of Boone), Spring 2002
Student Employment (Student manager at ASU Pizzeria and TCBY), Fall
1999-Fall 2001
Volunteer at Humane Society
Hobbies: violin, percussion, tennis, horseback riding, fishing, traveling
CPR and First Aid Certified
Instructional Technology Skills
Technology Portfolio @
Create word processing documents, create and edit Web Pages, create
power point presentations, access information on internet and world wide
web, use scanners and Adobe PhotoShop program, create movies using I-Movie
Career Objectives
Seeking K-6 Position
Betty Dishman
Appalachian State University
[email protected]
Beth Frye
Appalachian State University
[email protected]
Jeff Goodman
Appalachian State University
[email protected]
Dr. Pamela Schram
Appalachian State University
[email protected]
Mrs. Tonya McKinney
Mabel Elementary School
Zionville, NC
Mark Cromer
TCBY of Boone