302-B White Springs Road
Blowing Rock, NC 28605
(828) 295-0557
[email protected]
Education & Certificate Held
B.S., Elementary Education; English Concentration
Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, May 2002
Student Teacher, Bethel Elementary School, Sugar Grove, NC.
First Grade, Spring 2002. Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Carla Greene.
I organized and taught lessons to 1st-grade students. In math these
lessons included a TERC Investigations Unit, Story Problems, and Number
Games. In reading, I assessed the students in reading, writing, and
spelling skills, and I taught small groups in reading and phonics.
Internship, Bethel Elementary School, Sugar Grove, NC. Second Grade, Fall 2001. Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Faye Williams. During this experience, I observed, assisted, and taught lessons to 2nd grade class. These lessons included small group reading lessons (DRTA format), IRI assessments, and problem centered math lessons.
Classroom Assistant, Cove Creek Elementary School, Vilas, NC. First-Grade Computer Skills, Spring 2000. During this time each week, I helped assist in the computer lab in a first grade class. I helped with word processing skills, as well as writing and illustrating stories.
Tutor, Parkway Elementary School, Boone, NC. Third-Grade Reading, Fall 1999. Weekly, I tutored a below grade level student working on reading comprehension and word recognition.
North Carolina Teaching Fellow
Dean’s List
Instructional Strategies/Assessments
Fall 2001, I created a reading unit that accommodates different instructional
reading levels, using a Literature Circle format. This unit can be
found at the web address: http://www.ltl.appstate.edu/litcircleunits/litcirunits_Fall01/
Fall 2001, I used WRI and IRI assessments to efficiently assess students’
word recognition and reading abilities. I used a developmental spelling
inventory to assess students’ orthographic knowledge of English, and then
I developed level-appropriate phonics instruction based on the assessment
Instructional Technology Skills
I have experience using a Windows operating system and the word processing,
database management, and professional presentation software that comes
with Microsoft Office 2000. For digital movie editing, I have used
Apple computers. I have used various web browsing software and am
comfortable with web page design; I have used several web page editing
packages: Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Microsoft FrontPage, and Netscape
Composer. I have used digital image equipment and editing software:
scanner, digital still camera, Adobe Photoshop software, digital video
camera, and iMovie editing software.
Professional Organizations
Prospective Teachers of Mathematics, Member, Fall 2001
North Carolina Council for Teachers of Mathematics, Student Member
International Reading Association, Student Member
Women’s Club Soccer Member, Fall 1998-Spring 2000
Women’s Club Soccer President, Fall 2000-Spring 2001
Mrs. Carla Greene, Cooperating Teacher for Student Teaching
First Grade Teacher
Bethel Elementary School
Sugar Grove, NC
Mrs. Faye Williams, Cooperating Teacher for Internship
Second Grade Teacher
Bethel Elementary School
Sugar Grove, NC
Dr. Pamela Schram
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University, PO Box 30247
[email protected]
Dr. Woodrow Trathen
Department of Curriculum Language, Reading and Exceptionalities
Appalachian State University
[email protected]
Mrs. Betty Dishman
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University, PO Box 30247
[email protected]