Kristy Familar, ReichCollege of Education , Appalachian State University



T.O.Cby Artifact  Tech Competency INTASC Principles


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ISTENational Educational Technology Standards



This artifact is an evaluationof software that can used in the classroom.  This particular softwarewas  Fizz & Martina's Math Adventures: Blue Falls Elementary andwas based on interactive math lessons. 

The software evaluation was done for curriculum and instruction class during my block experience at Appalachian State University, Fall 2001.  It was done to prepare a class of future teachers forreviewing software because it is hard to decide what is good and bad forparticular grade levels.  This activity was done individually andI had to type up my review.  After reviewing one piece of software,we had to find other reviews of different software and decide if we wouldbuy that particular software and why.

This was a very important activity to do because of the overwhelming supply of computer software for elementaryschool.  Math, science, language arts, and reading are just some ofthe subjects that are covered in the thousands of possible options. Before doing this assignment, I had not realized the multitudes and varietiesof software that were available to me.

Alignment:  As technology begins to play a more obvious role in classroom, more and more studentsare beginning to learn from computers. There are several software programsout in stores today that may or may not be good for use in classrooms,or even be more suitable for home use.  There are several layers toa software program including the grade level, what level the student ison, graphics, how easily it can be read, and the level of technology thechild must posses.  After I found the software, I did an evaluationof it and decided whether or not it is appreciate for the grade level thatit advertised for and if I would use it in my classroom.  ( TechComp 2C)  After I completed the review of this particular software, the rest of the assignment was to find reviews of other software that other people have done.  Using the internet as my source, I found severalother reviews and some that were even on the software that I had evaluated.  I found this to be an excellent approach for looking for good softwarebecause there is not time enough to evaluate all the software that is availableout there. (Tech Comp 2B)