Jessica Keller




· Date of Birth: July 17, 1979

· Address: 1204 Mindees Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27609

· Phone Number: (919) 783-6258


· Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina
Certificates Held

· Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (grades K- 6) with a concentration in Psychology.

· Graduation: December 2002


· While studying at Appalachian State University I took CI2800, which is a class that involves the ASU students being assigned to an elementary school in the area to tutor students. During this semester, I went to Hardin Park Elementary School in Boone, North Carolina, twice a week to work with the students that were assigned to me. I would help mostly with reading and writing.

· During my fall semester of 2001, I participated in my internship at Bethel Elementary School in Sugar Grove, North Carolina. I was in the Kindergarten class, where my supervising teacher was Mrs. Mary Ruth Hagaman. During my internship, I observed Mrs. Hagaman in her everyday routines. I also participated in teaching lessons and working with small reading groups.

· Fall semester of 2002 I will be doing my student teaching.

Instructional Strategies

· During my Fall 2001 semester at Appalachian State University, I created a Literature Circle Unit on the World Wide Web. This unit incorporates literature for different reading levels.

Instructional Technology Skills

· Through my educational background, I have become competent in the following skills: Word processing, searching the World Wide Web, iMovie, Adobe Photoshop, using Netscape Composer to both create and edit web pages, and using both a digital still camera and video camera.


· Playing tennis/sports

· Reading

Career Objective

· I am seeking a full time teaching position in the K- 2 setting.


· Beth Frye, Appalachian State University, [email protected]

· Jeff Goodman, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Appalachian State University, [email protected]

· Dr. Pamela Schram, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Appalachian State University, [email protected]