Teaching is a profession in which one individual dedicates her whole life to touching the hearts and minds of many young souls. To teach means to love those whole are small, to educate those who desire to learn, to provide safety and nurture for all who enter the classroom, and to listen to children with an open heart. Throughout my experiences at Appalachian State University and in working with children of various ages, I have learned that it is the open heartedness, safe and nurturing environment, hands on exploration, and embedding a desire to learn in the hearts of my children that I will foster within my own classroom.
It is important for both teachers and students to enter the classroom with an open mind and heart. School is a place for children to learn new ideas and share their concerns with others. Students should come to the classroom willing to accept the thoughts and beliefs of others. Respect is a word that should echo across the walls of all classrooms. Students should treat one another as a friend with a willingness to support one another with comforting words, give compliments for a job well done, and offer a helping hand when they need assistance. Teachers and students should listen to the thoughts and concerns of others and offer meaningful advice in return. Students’ confidence and abilities grow through the feedback of others. Teachers should be careful not to point fingers or lash out at students before they have a clear understanding of where students are coming from. We must recognize that all students have strengthens and we must look into each student and find that strength. A good teacher is one who encourages a desire to learn in all students and opens their mind to the world around them. They make learning fun and encourage students to form their own beliefs of knowledge gained.
It is important for school to be a safe and nurturing environment for all students. Students learn best in an environment where they know they know that their safety is of first priority and that they will be loved. Students should not have to walk in the light of fear or being sneered upon by others. They should feel free from the pain of knowing discrimination, heartache, and violence. They should feel that school is a place that they can pour out their heart without being teased and criticized by classmates. Of all things taught within the classroom, high self-esteem is one factor that should be foster from the start and in every situation. It is because of this that I also feel it is important for a classroom to have a consistent and stern discipline system. However, it should be the students’ role just as much as it is the teacher’s role to form the rules and make sure that they are carried out. Discipline is not an issue of power for the teacher but a method of teaching students how to choose the consequences of their actions when they have made mistakes.
Hands on exploration of knowledge is another priority that I will that I will provide in my classroom. Students learn best when knowledge is presented on their level. Learning should be made a fun and exciting experience for all students. Students do not grow up learning to sit in their desks and absorb knowledge like a sponge. They grow learning to explore their world. Therefore, school should also be a place where students are allowed to explore in order to make sense of their world. I will include hands on exploration into all subject areas, especially those of math and science. Because I believe children form their own paths through education, I will offer a classroom full of rich learning opportunities with the materials available for children to make the most out of every learning experience. I will offer science experiments, math manipulatives, lots of books for literature, and role-play for social studies learning experiences. It is through this exploration that students will form their greatest desire to learn. Though exploration is rich, routine will be a daily priority in my class and it is this routine that will take us through class activities day by day. Students will be encouraged to share their work and speak up to share ideas throughout class lectures. Student work will be richly displayed because it is something that each student should be proud to show to the world.
Teaching is more than a profession for me.
It is to learn along with my students, watch hundreds of tiny faces grow
into important people, hurt as my students hurt, laugh as they laugh, and
mostly important be there when I no one else is. I plan to dedicate
my live to my students and my classroom. My desire is to share my
life and myself with children so that I may be a light in the life of a
young heart. It is through teaching that I will fulfill this desire.