
Cammie Darnell Mitchell

Personal Data
Born:  August 26, 1980

Address and Phone
4522 Sulphur Springs Road NE
Hickory, NC 28601
(828) 256-9003
[email protected]

B.S., Elementary Education, K-6, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, May 2002

Certificates Held
Major Area:  Elementary Education, K-6
Minor Area:  Music

Student Teaching: Lyle Creek Elementary School, Hickory, NC, Spring 2002.  During this experience, I observed, assisted, and taught students at a third grade level.  I implemented Literature Circles, an Interdisciplinary Unit that accommodates different instructional reading levels, designed to increase reading success and comprehension.  I integrated Social Studies into everyday classroom life by giving each student a job to perform and responsibilities to fulfill.  I introduced and taught the writing process, modeling rough drafts and the revision cycle with examples of my own writings, in order to help students appreciate the importance of drafting and revision.  I implemented the use of the Investigations Math to ensure the understanding of new concepts and to enable students to discover the meaning and connections in Mathematics on their own.  I also used the IRI, WRI, and ERSI assessment instruments to determine the instructional level of my students.  

Internship: Mabel Elementary School, Zionville, NC Fall 2001.  Cooperating teacher: Mr. Russell Hiatt.  During this experience, I worked with the fourth grade classroom.  I observed, assisted, and taught these students in order to prepare myself for student teaching.  I helped implement and model a Literature Circle Unit, based on the medieval time period.  I worked and taught students within small math, reading, and spelling groups.  I helped students with art and music, and provided assistance to my cooperating teacher in any way necessary.  

Summer Workshop:  ASU, Boone, NC, Summer 2001.  I attended the Silver Burdett Ginn Music Workshop, in which I participated in many activities and attended classes that helped me increase my library of activities and ideas.  I was able to learn how to integrate into these ideas into the regular classroom.  During the workshop, I learned that music could be used as a motivator, as well as an opener, for any lesson.  Music is fun and interesting for all ages.  I plan to use music in my regular classroom so that my students’ are interested in the curriculum.  
CI/SPE 2800 class at ASU, Boone NC, Spring 2000.  Cooperating School:  Valle Crucis Elementary, Valle Crucis, NC.  During this experience, I assisted students with homework and tutored children with problems they may have been experiencing.  
Activities and Interests                                                                                         
Employment: Viewmont Animal Hospital-Hickory, NC, 1996-present                    
Hobbies:  Spending time with family and friends, Singing, Swimming, Hiking, Reading

Emerging Leaders Scholarship                                                                                      
Dean’s List for 5 semesters, Appalachian State University                                          
Kappa Delta Pi

Professional Memberships                                                                                            
Prospective Teachers of Mathematics Association (PTMA)                                             

Instructional Technology Skills                                                                               
Technology portfolio at                                
Create word processing documents, create and edit web pages through the use of Netscape Composer, access information on the Internet and the World Wide Web, use of scanners and Adobe Photoshop program, create movies using I-Movie and Audio Grabber programs.

Career Objectives                                                                                                      
Seeking K-6 position

Betty Dishman                                                                                                                
Appalachian State University                                                                   
[email protected]

Beth Frye                                                                                                                     
Appalachian State University                                                                         
[email protected]

Jeff Goodman                                                                                                              
Department of Curriculum and Instruction                                                                 
Appalachian State University                                                                    
 [email protected]

Mr. Russell Hiatt                                                                                                                             
4th grade Classroom Teacher                                                                                                    
Mabel Elementary School                                                                                                 
(828) 297-2512

Dr. Pam Schram                                                                                                               
Department of Curriculum and Instruction                                                                    
Appalachian State University                                                     
[email protected]

Dr. Woodrow Trathen                                                                                                        
Department of Language, Reading, and Exceptionalities                                             
Appalachian State University                                                              
[email protected]