A Day of Activities
Day Five:

Teacher: Ms. Janet Lynn Peck

Lesson Title: A Day of Activities

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Time: 2 minutes introduction
 15 for groups and instructions
 60 minutes for Student Participation Activity
 3 minutes for closure
 TOTAL: 80 minutes

Grouping:  Students will be working in four different groups

Objective of Lesson: North Carolina Standard Course of Study (for the se t of five lessons)
Competency Goal 1: The learner will recognize, model, and write numbers through 10.
1.06 Use ordinals first through fifth.
Competency Goal 2: The learner will explore concepts of geometry and non-standard measurement.
2.04 Model and use directional and positional words.
Competency Goal 3: The learner will model simple patterns and sorting activities.
3.04 Create patterns with actions, words and objects.
English Language Arts
Competency Goal 2: The learner will develop and apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.
2.01 Demonstrate sense of story (e.g., beginning, middle, end, characters, details).
Competency Goal 4: The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.
4.03 Use words that describe color, size, and location in a variety of texts: e.g., oral retelling, written stories, lists, and journal entries of personal experiences.
Information Skills
Competency Goal 1: The learner will EXPLORE sources and formats for reading, listening, and viewing purposes.
1.01 Participate in read-aloud, storytelling, book talking, and silent and voluntary reading experiences.
1.02 Demonstrate competence and self-motivation as a beginning reader.
1.05 Demonstrate sense of story (e.g., beginning, middle, end, characters, details).
Competency Goal 5: The learner will COMMUNICATE reading, listening, and viewing experiences.
5.01 Respond to reading, listening, viewing experiences orally, artistically, dramatically through various formats.
Arts Education: Dance
Competency Goal 2: The learner will understand choreographic principles, processes, and structures.
2.02 Demonstrate patterns in dance.
2.03 Demonstrate that dance has a beginning, middle, and end.
Competency Goal 3: The learner will understand that dance can create and communicate meaning.
3.01 Express ideas, feelings, and stories through dance movement.
Competency Goal 6:  The learner will make connections between dance and healthful living.
6.01 Demonstrate self-awareness through dance movement activities.
6.02 Identify that dance requires concentration.
Competency Goal 8: The learner will understand dance as an art form and range of opportunities for involvement.
8.01 Show respect and appreciation for the dance movement efforts of others.
Arts Education: Theater Arts
Competency Goal 1: The learner will write based on personal experiences, heritage, imagination, literature, and history.
1.04 Repeat sequence of events through verbal and nonverbal communication.
1.05 Recognize patterns in stories.
Competency Goal 4: The learner will direct through planning and present informal and formal productions.
4.03 Listen and respond to directions and side coaching in dramatic activities.

 Four stations set up.
 Instruction cards for each station.
 Station One: at the computers using “School House Rock Math Rock”
 Station Two: at the tables with a bucket of candy
 Station Three: at the bookshelves
 Station Four: at a table with building blocks or Lego’s

 Inform the students that today will be informal and they will be going from one station to another doing different tasks, all that relate to ordinals, patterns, and stories.

Statement of Objectives:
 The students will build patterns, give directions, follow directions, and work together cooperatively in small groups.

  Divide the class into four groups.  Point out a leader in each group.  His/her duty is to make sure everybody participates and the group is on task.  Instruct the class of the different stations.
 Station One: We will be using the computer software program, “School House Rock Math Rock”.  Move the mouse to the far left or right on the screen until you come across a pond or ice skating rink.  Click on this pond.  You must tell the girl how to skate the pattern shown on the screen.  Work together to arrange the words on the bottom right.  Click and drag these to the left side of the screen and click again.  This will place the cards down.  You will need to arrange these in order to make the girl skate the design on the ice.  Not all of the cards will be used.
 Station Two:  At this station a bucket of candy is on the table.  A student will instruct another how to take a piece of the candy and eat it.  Take turns telling how to eat.  Make sure all students can eat the candy you have available.
 Station Three:  Here have several slips of paper with directions on it.  This is similar to our Scavenger Hunt from day four.  Have the cards lead you to different books on the shelves and include the answer on the backside of the card so the students will know if they are right or not.
 Station Four:  At this station are building blocks or Lego’s.  Have each student build a pattern and draw it on the paper after they have built it.  Have them explain to the others in their group their patterns they made with the blocks.

 Student Participation:
  Once all the rules have been given and instructions let the groups go to one of the stations.  After about 15 minutes rotate the groups to the next station.  Some stations may take longer than others so be on your toes and encourage the students to work together as a team and try new patterns or directions.

  For closure, ask the students to take a seat at their desks.  Ask students to tell what they learned at the different stations and if they enjoyed it.  Let them discover the concepts that were reviewed again, the ordinals, sequence of a story, patterns, etc.  Allow the children to talk about their experiences and get their thoughts about the computer software.  Inform the students that next week they will do another part of the computer game dealing with adding and subtraction.