Teacher: Ms. Janet Lynn Peck
Lesson Title: Dance, Music, and Patterns
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Time: 2 minutes for introduction
15 minutes for reading the book
5 minutes for discussing the book and giving directions for the
15 minutes for the CD
15 minutes for the discussion of CD
15 minutes for Student Participation Activity
8 minutes for closure activities
TOTAL: 75 minutes
Grouping: The whole class for the story reading and individuals
for the Dance. Building
blocks will be done in pairs.
Objective of Lesson: North Carolina Standard Course of Study
Competency Goal 2: The learner will explore concepts of geometry and
non-standard measurement.
2.04 Model and use directional and positional words.
Competency Goal 3: The learner will model simple patterns and sorting
3.04 Create patterns with actions, words and objects.
English Language Arts
Competency Goal 2: The learner will develop and apply strategies and
skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.
2.01 Demonstrate sense of story (e.g., beginning, middle, end, characters,
Competency Goal 4: The learner will apply strategies and skills to
create oral, written, and visual texts.
4.03 Use words that describe color, size, and location in a variety
of texts: e.g., oral retelling, written stories, lists, and journal entries
of personal experiences.
Information Skills
Competency Goal 1: The learner will EXPLORE sources and formats for
reading, listening, and viewing purposes.
1.01 Participate in read-aloud, storytelling, book talking, and silent
and voluntary reading experiences.
1.05 Demonstrate sense of story (e.g., beginning, middle, end, characters,
Competency Goal 5: The learner will COMMUNICATE reading, listening,
and viewing experiences.
5.01 Respond to reading, listening, viewing experiences orally,
artistically, dramatically through various formats.
Arts Education: Dance
Competency Goal 2: The learner will understand choreographic principles,
processes, and structures.
2.02 Demonstrate patterns in dance.
2.03 Demonstrate that dance has a beginning, middle, and end.
Competency Goal 3: The learner will understand that dance can create
and communicate meaning.
3.01 Express ideas, feelings, and stories through dance movement.
Competency Goal 6: The learner will make connections between dance
and healthful living.
6.01 Demonstrate self-awareness through dance movement activities.
6.02 Identify that dance requires concentration.
Competency Goal 8: Show respect and appreciation for the dance movement
efforts of others.
8.01 Show respect and appreciation for the dance movement efforts of
Arts Education: Theater Arts
Competency Goal 1: The learner will write based on personal experience,
heritage, imagination, literature, and history.
1.04 Repeat sequence of events through verbal and nonverbal communication.
1.05 Recognize patterns in stories.
CD: Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham, by Tony
CD Player
Building blocks
Book: Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss
Inform the class that today we will be reading a book by Dr.
Seuss and then hearing a song of the same books. We will also be
dancing around the classroom to the song and playing with building blocks
to notice patterns and produce them ourselves.
Statement of Objectives:
The student will gain an understanding that music and dance also
have a beginning, middle, and end. They will be able to relate this
to a story using Dr. Seuss. The students will also be able to notice
patterns within the book and song. The class will then build patterns
using the building blocks in pairs.
Invite the class to sit on the floor around you for story time.
Remind the students of yesterday when we talked about a story having a
beginning, middle and end. Remind them to listen for them in this
story, let the students know that it will not be as clear as the day before.
After reading the story ask a few follow-up questions. Here are a
few examples:
1. What was the story about?
2. Who were the main characters?
3. What was the beginning? Middle? End?
the children has had time to discuss the book. Remind them of the
moving rules. Now play the book on the CD. Ask the students
to listen closely for the different parts we’ve been discussing and to
move around the room during the piece. Have the students move according
to how the music makes them feel. For instance, if it makes the student
feel sad they might walk slowly with their head down. If it makes
them happy they might be skipping and smiling. At the end of the
song, ask the students to join you back in the reading circle. Have
a few students tell how the song made them feel, ask a few about the beginning,
middle and end parts, ask others about any patterns they might have noticed
in the song or how they were dancing. At this time, introduce the
concept of patterns and how they can repeat. For instance, in this
book a question is asked, and then answered and this pattern repeats throughout
the entire book. In the song, there are a few questions and answers
and then a music section and this repeats. In the same manner, a
person might dance a particular way during a certain section of the music
and this will cause a pattern to develop.
Student Participation:
Divide the class into pairs. Handout a bag of building
blocks to each group. The assignment here is to develop a pattern
using your blocks that you think nobody in the class will form. Each
group will have the same blocks (size and color). Allow the groups
to work about 10 minutes with the blocks. Bring the class back together
and allow each group to present their patterns to the class. Have
them explain the patterns by explaining the colors, size, and location
of the blocks.
For closure, ask one of the students to review the parts of a
story. Have a few students try to relate to the class the idea that
a song, story and dance all share the same qualities (beginning, middle,
and end). If time allows, have a student come up and arrange building
blocks in a pattern and allow the other students to guess the patterns.