List of Television Resources

     Upon graduation, I will become certified to teach elementary school in the state of North Carolina.  With this is mind; I will

be able to incorporate television resources into my lesson plans.  This meets the Competency Goal 3 that is outlined in the

North Carolina Standard Course of Study.  It states: “The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze,

interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information.”  The following are web sites that are available to me as an

elementary teacher that will help me incorporate television into my lessons.

     The Rocky Mountain PBS Instructional Television (ITV)  is a service that produces programs within twelve subject areas

and last from ten to thirty minutes each.  They are designed for classrooms from Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade.  They

only broadcast from 12noon till one o’clock in the afternoon.  These are excellent to incorporate into a lesson or record and

then show later if the time does not suit your personal needs.

     The North Carolina Public Schools Videotape Loan Library  has several different videos available for teachers’ personal

use and for use in their classrooms.  They range from areas of classroom management, mathematics, healthful living, and work

force development.  This is an excellent site because it is a loan program and saves you money!

     Discovery Kids  is a take-off from the Discovery Channel.  It is geared towards the children.  The site offers an index of

what is showing on the television that would perk the interest of children, offers games, and allows you to explore by subject to

find what you are interested in.  I believe that this site will be handy in finding films about the nature and get the children

involved rather than just reading about it and discussing what is out in the real world.

     PBS Teacher Source  is a site that offers the schedule for PBS in your area.  This site also includes activities for children,

and lesson plans for teachers.  This site would make it simpler to modify a lesson plan to include a television clip.

     NASA Television  allows you to search the database to find videos and times that particular incidences will be aired on the

television so you can use it in your lesson plans.  This web site also allows you to track space shuttles that are in outer space.

This website is very interactive and could be useful when a space shuttle is set to lift off while I am teaching.

     Nickelodeon’s Site for Educators  offers television programs for elementary and preschool ages.  The videos are

commercial-free and range over a broad area of topics.  There are six different programs specialized for the elementary


     These are six web sites that offer information in regards to television programs that can be adapted for a classroom.  I look

forward to being able to utilize them and incorporate them into my lesson plans once I start teaching for the state of North
