Dear Parent
During my internship at Bethel Elementary School
I will be participating in many college school projects. In some
of these projects I will be creating web-sites, power point, and movies.
With these different projects it may require video taping or digital camera
images of your child. As a parent you do have rights, therefore,
I need your permission to video tape or picture your child. If you
would like to request no taping or pictures of your child, I will honor
your request and this will not be held against your child in any form or
shape. Please fill out this form and return it by your child as soon
as possible. I thank you for your cooperation and time.
Julia Sherrill
Please check the appropriate request:
Yes, I give permission to video tape or picture my child____
No, I do not give permission to video tape or picture my child___
Parent Signature:_____________________________________