Julia E. Sherrill

Personal Data
Born:  April 7, 1980
Address and Phone:  201 Grandview Lane
                                Hendersonville, NC 28791
                                (828) 891-4562
                                [email protected]
B.S., Elementary Education,
Appalachian State University, May 2002

Certificates Held
Major Area:  Elementary Education, K-6
Minor Area:  Psychology

Student Teaching, Bethel Elementary School, NC, Spring 2002
Cooperating teacher:  Ms. Maria Morris.  During this experience, I observed, assisted, and taught students at a fourth grade level.  I assisted with teaching the writing process, modeling rough drafts and revision cycle, to help students appreciate the importance of drafting and revision.  I implemented the use of Math Investigation books to ensure understanding of new concepts and to enable students to discover the meaning and connections in Mathematics on their own.  Together the class and I did an intense study on the state of North Carolina and as an end project created portfolios, therefore, increasing knowledge and understanding for their state's history, land forms, natural resources, climate, and so on.

Internship, Bethel Elementary School, NC, Fall 2001.
Cooperating teacher:  Ms. Ann Younce.  During this experience, I worked with third grade students.  This was an opportunity to prepare myself for student teaching.  I observed, assisted, and taught these students to become more familiar with this grade and the development levels.  During my internship, I helped implement Literature Circles and led a lower level reading group to help increase their fluency.  I used DRTA lessons with the lower level reading group when introducing a new book.  I gave the students writing prompts for their imaginary and narrative writing.  I also worked individually with LD students and their modifications such as reading tests to them, writing out assignments for them, and working one on one to help students in all courses.

Assistant Teacher, Blowing Rock Baptist Child Development Center, Blowing Rock, NC 28608, 2000.  During this experience, I worked with pre-school children from the ages of three to five.  I helped them become acclimated to a structured school day routine.  This included playtime and the responsibility of cleaning up, whole group instruction, nap time, and teaching common courtesy, respect, and consideration for others.

Activities and Interests                                                                      Honors                                   Professional Memberships
Volunteering for a variety of community service programs                      Dean's List                               Alpha Delta Pi
Hobbies:  Exercising, Hiking, Reading, Cross-stitching, traveling

Instructional Technology Skills
Create word processing documents, create and edit web pages, access information on Internet and World Wide Web, use of scanners, digital cameras, and Adobe Photoshop program, create movies using I-Movie.

Career Objectives
Seeking K-6 position

Betty Dishaman
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Beth Frye
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Jeff Goodman
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Dr. Pamela Schram
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Maria Morris
Fourth Grade Classroom Teacher
Bethel Elementary School
(828) 297-2240

Maria Morris
Fourth Grade Classroom Teacher
Bethel Elementary School
(828) 297-2240