Jacquelyn L. Timan
56 River Ridge Rd.
 Franklin, N.C. 28734
(828) 262-3760
[email protected]

Career Objectives
Seeking a K-6 position

Appalachian State University Boone, North Carolina
Licensed in Elementary Education grades K-6

Certificates Held
Major Area: Elementary Education K-6
Minor Area: Psychology

Dean’s List

Internship, Bethel Elementary School, Bethel, N.C. Fall 2001
Worked with a fourth grade teacher observing and assisting instruction with children in literature, math, spelling, and social studies. Author studies and literature circles were among the structured reading assistance I provided to the children. I lead the instruction in Character Education, and Science.  My internship encompassed watching, learning, and co-teaching to prepare me for student teaching.

Big Brother/Big Sister Program Boone, N.C. Spring 2000
Volunteered to help an underprivileged youth while going through the difficult years of adolescence.  I served as a friend whom she could call to talk to about everyday issues that she was faced with. This also included providing for her in financial ways, as well as emotional needs.

First Baptist Church Preschool Boone, N.C. Spring 1999
Volunteered to work in the rooms of children ranging from birth to five.  I observed and assisted in engaging the children in activities that would be helpful to their development.  I assisted in structuring the day for the children as well as caring for them as a friend and teacher.

Tutoring, Hardin Park Elementary School Boone, N.C. 1999
Visiting a fourth grader once a week and assisting with instruction in and after school encompassing various school subjects.

Activities and Interests
Hobbies: Swimming, Sewing, Hiking, Running

Professional Memberships
Prospective Teachers of Mathematics Association (PTMA)

Instructional Technology Skills
Technology Portfolio @ www.appstate.ced.edu/~goodmanj.com

Betty Dishman
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Beth Frye
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Jeff Goodman
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Dr. Woodrow Trathen
Department of Language, Reading , and Exceptionalities
Appalachian State University
[email protected]

Maria Morris
Bethel Elementary School
(828) 265-1988