camera, action!
Jessica Whitley & Louise Urban
Children's health is influenced
by media and continues to become a bigger concern for our society.
As educators it is important to address this issue in our classrooms.
This activity will target commercials directed at children regarding lifestyle
choices. Often commercials mislead children by not creating a balance.
Students will view a video containing commercials, such as fast food and
entertainment choices, that are created to appeal to children.
After viewing this video, the teacher will lead the students in an
instructional converstation to analyze how the commercials can influence
them. As part of this effort to integrate media with health it is
important for the teacher to teach about healthy alternatives and balance.
The teacher should also stress that what is seen in commercials is not
all negative but that it is important to have a balance of nutrious foods,
exericise, along with "fatty" foods and seditary activities. After
the teacher has led the children in a discussion, the students will work
in groups to make their own commercial. The students will focus on
something that is healthy (food choices, activites, etc.). These
commercials should be about something that the students enjoy and that
is healthy. This activity connects school and society by having students
analyze media in their everyday lives. It provides them with an opportunity
to think about how the media tries to create products that "everybody"
Pictures taken from the McDonald's website ( and
The intended audience for this lesson is fourth grade because they are
at an impressionable age and would benefit from a lesson on making healthy
choices. Commercials will be used to demonstrate how products are
appealing and entice them. Since students are still young, this lesson
will provide them with the opportunity to expose them to lifestyle choices
that are healthier for them. Most students will see commercials about
fast food, video games, etc. and will want those things in their lives.
Forth graders will more than likely be excited, entertained, and easily
attracted to the commercials. As a result this lesson will make students
aware that there has to be a balance between the advertisements shown in
class and healthier choices.
Objectives & NC Standard Course of Study
Materials Needed:
Video camera
Art Supplies
Access to computer lab
To prepare for this activity the teacher should videotape commercials (fast food, video games, etc.) that are designed to appeal to children. The teacher should also research ways in which people can be healthy and the benifits/consequences of not making healthy choices. The teacher can also look at the websites listed below for further information.
1. Play the video for the class.
A number of commercial clips and questions that may be used in this lesson
section or teachers may choose to use their own.
2. Discuss aspects of the commercials that
appeal to them as an audience. To address specific apects of the
commercials ask higher order thinking questions. Here is a list of
questions that you may want to ask:
*What type of music is used in the commercial? How does this make
you as the viewer feel?
*Why do you think the producers of the commercial chose to use this type
of music?
*How would you describe the people used in the commercial?
*What group of people do you think they are trying to sell the product
*Are there any words or captions used in the commercial? How do these
effect you as the audience?
*Which of your senses does the commercial appeal to the most?
3. Discuss whether the commercials portray
healthy products/activities. Also have the children describe the
people in the commercials (age, gender, weight, happy, sad, etc.)
4. The teacher will teach a lesson on proper
diet and exercise and the importance of having both.
5. The class will be broken up into groups
to create their own commercials. The group will choose a food or
activity that is healthy and that they enjoy. The commercial should
appeal to the rest of the class so that they will be encouraged to choose
healthy alternatives.
6. The groups will then write a script.
The script should be written in dialog form as if it was for an actual
commercial. The groups will then have to type out their scripts on
a word processor. After practicing the scripts and adding any props
that might be necessary for the commericals the students will preform their
commercials while the teacher records them on a video camera.
7. The class will view the videos and compare
their videos with the videos seen at the beginning of this lesson.
* Teachers should send home a permission
slip to parents/guadrians in order for their children to participate in
the videotaping portion of this project.
food guide
commercial pictures
* Calcium is an important mineral that our bodies need to have strong
bones and teeth. Calcium is found in almonds, broccoli, milk, yogurt
as well as other food items.
* Being active by doing such things as running, playing ball or riding
a bike helps burn calories. If you eat only "junk" food or even just
lots of food in general, then your body needs to burn the calories so they
are not storaged. Excess calories can lead to obsity.
* Eatting at fast food restaurants is not a bad thing unless done frequently.
The food contains lots of grease and fat. Therefore, when looking
at the food pyramid the food items fall mainly in the fat/sweets categorie
leaving out the healthy categories such as the fruits and vegetables.
to media literacy materials on the web
This is a website that offers information regarding obesity in children
for parents, teachers and children.
This website provides a large selection of lesson plans for teachers
including some that would reinforce this lesson on healthy choices.
Teachers can use this website to search for other lesson plans on
health and nutrition as well as other subjects for specific grade levels.
This website offers reproducable food guide pyramids and worksheets that
teachers can use to enhance this lesson or for other lessons.
We believe that this lesson will be a fun and
educational experience for students. Not only does this lesson cover
important health issues but it also incorporates teamwork, creativity,
technology, and other important skills into the classroom. The media
that is used in this lesson was taken directly from television channels
that are targeted for children. Most children are exposed to this
daily and should therefore have another perspective when making decisions.