During class we had a discussion about the copyright policy and viewed
a power point presentation about copyrighting. We received hands out about
copyrighted information and how to correctly use the information that is
copyrighted. We also received handouts on how to cite in APA, and N4LA
styles electronic resources. The Power Point presentation taught the class
about copyright laws we should know as future teachers.
We learned that a copyright is "the right an author has to completely
control his/her work." The presentation taught us that just because something
is on the Internet it doesn't mean the public has the right to use it.
When something is copyrighted it can be allowed for use in its original
form if it is for news reporting, education or researching. AR information
that was on the power point side was cited and used for educational purposes.
We also got another hand out and this was a hand out explaining the
correct form for citing copyrighted electronic sources. The hand out gives
examples of how to correctly site in APA and MLA form. There are many different
types of electronic resources and they have to be cited different but correct
in order to use the information.