Dear Parent/Guardian:
I am a student at Appalachian State University. I am currently working in your child’s classroom as an intern. As part of my class work I may be required to shoot videotape, take photographs, or audiotape in the classroom. I may also need to copy student work.
My professors at Appalachian State University who will handle the material very confidently will view any products that I create. Please indicate below if it is permissible to include your child on videotape, in photographs, and/or audiotape. Please have your child return this by ____________________________.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
Student Name: ________________________________
Please check appropriate response:
_____ Yes, it is ok for my child to be video tapped, photographed, and audio taped.
_____ No, I would rather my child not participate in the activities
listed above.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________
Date: _________________________