Bess Rae McCurdy
111 Deal Lane
Statesville, NC 28677
(704) 878-0638
[email protected]
Seeking K-6 teaching position
Appalachian State University (Graduation Date: May 2003)
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Concentration: Psychology
Cummulative GPA: 3.64
South Iredell High School (Graduation Date: May 1999)
Teaching Experiences:
Student Teaching:
Troutman Elementary School, Troutman, NC Spring 2003
Grade: 2nd
Mabel Elementary School, Zionville, NC Fall 2002
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Tamera Stamey
During my internship, I worked with students in a 2nd grade classroom.
I worked with and led several small reading groups, performed DRTA's helped
plan and carry out a research project on National Symbols, assisted with
after-school workshop (math, technology, and reading) for parents,
and assissted in everyday school activities.
I have had many opportunities to work one-on-one with students and work
with behavior management during my internship.
High School Internship:
Troutman Elementary School, Troutman, NC, 1998-1999
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Cindy Cronce
This was for my Teaching Cadet class in high school. During this
class, I went to Troutman Elementary until 10:00 a.m and then went to my
high school. I was able to spend time in all classes from K-5 until
December 1998. Beginning in January 1999-May 1999 I was able to work
in Mrs. Cronce's Kindergarten class. I began in this class by observing
and assisting with everyday school activities. I was able to help
some one-on-one with students and I also helped with the morning calendar
and opening activities. I had a wonderful experince with this class
and it helped me to be certain I wanted to become a teacher. Mr.
Ingram was my high school teacher for this class and when we were not in
the elementary school, he taught us a great deal about what the teaching
profession consisted of.
Professional Experiences:
Baby-sit for Dr. and Mrs.(Lisa) Joe Petrozza Summer Job:
Summer 1999-2002
Waitress: Carolina Bar-B-Q 1998-1999
Honors & Awards:
Chancellor's List- Spring 2001, Spring 2002
Dean's List- Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Fall 2001
Professional Organizations:
Kappa Delta Pi (Education Honor Society)
PTMA (Prospective Teachers of Mathematics)
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