List of Websites for Teachers
 This website has a chat center, lesson plans, libraries of curriculum information (includes a list of movie clips), and web tools (designed to assist a teacher in making a class homepage and other web tasks). It is very easy to use.
 This website has articles written in a how-to format (bulletin boards, looping, interviewing, preparing for the beginning of school, preparing for the end, etc.) along with lesson plans, resources, and links to other sites.
 This page is called the US School Page and it has its own search engine in order to maneuver the mounds of information about teaching including resume services, lists of cool schools, free stuff to use in the classroom and a list of hot new Internet sites.
 Created by teachers, this site is easy to use. Everything is sorted into the following categories: lesson plans, printables, tips, articles, store, chat and links.
 At this site, the collection is sorted into the following categories: classroom resources, professional resources, site resources and information.
 This site is a set of links to other resources including dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauruses, myths and folklore and links to lesson plan pages.
 This website is geared towards new or student teachers. There are links to other pertinent websites for the North Carolina teacher.
 It has a Puzzlemaker, lesson plans, information about workshops and is sorted by subject.
 A website geared to the North Carolina teacher.  It includes tried and true lesson plans and the best practices of proven teachers.
 This website has a set of curriculum exchanges on a wide assortment of topics.