Title: The Rosetta Stone
Publisher: Fairfield Language Technologies
Date Published: 2000
Platform: Mac or Windows? Both
Content Area: What is the primary content area addressed with this software? Second Language Learning
Range of Grade Levels: What range of grade levels is appropriate for this software? Elementary-Professional Adult; Beginner/Intermediate Proficiency Level
Content Description: Include an elaboration about the specific content, purpose, flexibility/versatility, games levels, description of game with examples, player description, time needed to play, and best use (individual, small, whole group). The Rosetta Stone intensive courses assume no prior knowledge of a foreign language. It is designed to be entertaining and self-paced. I have observed the use of this software in a 5th grade classroom, and I believe it would be best suited for individual use. When the user signs off of the program, it will pick up in the same place he/she left off the next time he/she signs on.
Instructional Type: (Check all that apply)
___x__ Drill and Practice
___x__ Tutorial
_____ Simulation
___x__ Game
___x__ Problem Solving
_____ Tool
Strengths/Weaknesses: Note the ease of play, as well as specific strengths and weaknesses of the software. As I was familiarizing myself with this program, I noticed that it took a Whole Language approach to second language learning. It not only focused on reading and writing, but also listening and speaking skills as well. The directions are easy to follow because the units are very repetitive. It uses photographs and drawings as visual representations of the word or phrase. The Rosetta Stone software would be challenging, though, for a younger elementary student. Developmentally, it would be more appropriate for students no younger than 3rd grade.
How would using this software add to a lesson or a classroom? (That is, why use it, rather than just teaching without it?) Honestly, I think it would be best used as a supplementary tool to be used on occasion. If it were me, I would only use it when the rest of the students were working on the computer as well (maybe, in the computer lab). It would not be best used during times when the student could be interacting with native speakers.
Would you use this software with your students? Why or why not? I would possibly use this software as a supplementary tool to my regular language instruction. I would not, however, use it as the sole means of instruction for an ESL student. Because it is so repetitive, it would become boring quickly. I’ve observed a 5th grade Mexican student using it during Language Arts each day. He has begun to dread working on the program because he does it every day for an hour at a time. There are so many more ways to teach a non-English speaking student to speak English instead of sitting them in front of a computer screen. There is such a thing as “Too much of a good thing!”
Rating: Rate the software from 1 to 10 with ten being the best. Explain why you rated it this way. I would rate it a 7, because it would be a good resource as a supplement to a Whole Language approach for second language learning. It focuses on reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills which are all very important. I can not rate it any higher for fear that a higher rank may sway a teacher to substitute real, meaningful interaction with this program.
User Comments: List comments from kids (with ages), parents,
and/or teachers.
Teacher- It’s great, but very challenging. I would not
recommend it for younger students (before 5th grade).
ESL Student- He has mastered most of the exercises, and now
is bored with the program. He dreads going to the computer, and hopes
for another assignment.
Links: Include at least one link related to this software that would be useful. Examples include other reviews, catalogs/sources, and lesson plans. Be sure and briefly describe the link.