Summer Joy Harpold
Permanent Address                                                              Local Address
PO Box 233                                                                                 12452 ASU
Crossnore, NC 28616                                                          Boone, NC 28608
(828) 733-9776                                                                       (828) 262-0413
[email protected]

Career Objective:

As a future teacher I hope to be an inspiration to my students, and to touch at least one child's life during my career.  I have a passion to see children learn, and to show them that there is hope in their future.  I want the students that I come in contact with to learn to respect on another, adults, and their parents.  I want to be a positive influence to my students, co-workers, and especially the parents/ guardians of the students in my classroom.  I hope that children that I come in contact with are encouraged, and realize what true joy and love are.

Secondary Education

Avery County High School                                                              Newland, North Carolina
North Carolina Scholar, Graduate                                                            August 93/ June 96

    *Honor Graduate                                                         *DECA club, vice-president
    *North Carolina Scholar Athlete                                   *Yearbook, editor
    *National Honor Society, President                              * Interact club, vice-president
    *Outstanding Senior                                                     *Student Government Representative
    *FCA club, co-captain                                                 *Citizenship Award
    *Avery County Young Woman of the Year, 1996

Formal Education

Appalachian State University                                                             Boone, North Carolina
Elementary Education, Psychology Concentration; BS                              August 96/ May 00

    *North Carolina History                                              *Principles of Reading Instruction
    *Art in the Elementary School                                      *Child Psychology
    *Teachers, School, and Learners                                 *Educational Psychology
    *Seminar on the At-Risk Child                                    *Social Studies in the Elementary
    *Introduction to Creative Musicianship                            Classroom
    *Health Education in the Elementary Classroom           *Mathematics in the Elementary
    *General Science in the Elementary Classroom                Classroom
    *Language and Literacy in the Elementary                    *Literacy and Technology in the
      Classroom                                                                     Classroom

    *North Carolina Teaching Fellow                            *Chapter One Reading Tutor
    *Phi Eta Sigma, honor society                                      *Member of Renascent: sign language
    *Dean's List                                                                    and drama group
    *New Life Ministries, leadership                                  *Intervarsity Christian Fellowship,
    *Kappa Delta Pi, member                                                member                 
    *Junior Marshal, College of Education; May 99           *Chancellor's List


Child Care Worker                                                                        Newland, North Carolina
Home School Assistant                                                                        September 94/ present

Internship                                                                                      Elk Park, North Carolina
Beech Mountain Elementary School                                                      August 99/ December 99

Student Teaching                                                                          Elk Park, North Carolina
Beech Mountain Elementary School                                                      January 00/ present


Mary Aldridge
Supervising Teacher during Student Teaching

Dr. Pamela Schram
University Supervisor

Phillip Shomaker
Beech Mountain Elementary Principal

Joe Murphy
Academic Advisor and Appalachian State University Teaching Fellows Director

Kimberly Blackburn