Classroom Set-up with Descriptions of each section

(This classroom set up was designed to go along with a third grade unit plan on communities.  Even though some of the descriptions are addressed to that specific purpose, this layout could be adapted and used in almost any grade level.)


Bulletin boards - These three areas will be dedicated to social studies and language arts;
          the two subjects within the integrated unit plan.

Teacher's table - The location of the table is key in that it is front and center.  There is
          never any activity behind it where students cannot be seen.  It is large to accomodate
          approaching students, an overhead, an "in / out" pile for paper turn in and distribution.

Student desks - These are set up in a semi-circle in order to view the teacher and the other students.

Reading rug - This is essential during D.E.A.R. time ( Drop Everything And Read).  Children
          may choose to sit or lay on the rug.

Lesson library - This section is where appropriate books for units are shelved.  Some of these
          books may be read in class.  Students may read these during D.E.A.R. time or they may
          check them out witht he teacher.  All books deal with the unit topic areas.

Book shelf - In this location various books are shelves.  These books are coded with a colored
          sticker on the upper right hand corner.  Each color is a certain reading level.  The teacher
          may suggest a certain student read a certain color of book during D.E.A.R. time.

Technology - The computers are here.  Students work a great deal on word processing and
          internet assignments.

Centers - Math:  There will usually be various manipulatives to match activities that correspond
          with the content being studied in class.
              Science:  This section of the room is where the plants and animals will live.  Throughout
          year, the class will be engaged in several related activities and projects.
              Culture:  This is a social studies table.  During this social studies unit, there will be
          photos of the community, worksheets and brochures.

(*At each center, there is a sign up sheet in order for students and the teacher to keep track of who
is visiting a center and when.  This is to ensure that all of the students get to participate equally.)

Supplies - The supplies and extra materials are stored here.

Audio-Visual - This area is where the television, CD player, tape recorder and head phones are located.

Blackboard / Dry Erase Board - Lesson are taught here.  Maps are at the top of the board,
          along with the cursive alphabet.