Keith Thomas Silver

Personal Data
Born: March 23, 1978

Address and Phone: Rt. Box 759
                                 Old Fort, NC 28762
                                 (828) 668-4246
B.S. Elementary Education, Appalachian State University, May 2000

Certificates Held
Elementary Education, K-6

Student Teaching, Old Fort Elementary, Old Fort, NC, Spring 2000. Cooperating teacher: Mrs. Natalie Gouge. Assisted, created and taught lessons. Took an involved role in the class, substituted for the cooperating teacher and took over the class for a short period at the end of the semester.

Internship, Beech Mountain Elementary, Elk Park, NC, Fall 1999. Cooperating teacher: Ms. Sharon Johnson. Observed, assisted and taught lessons for kindergartners and first graders. Helped organize a haunted house for the Harvest Festival and created a portrait of a learner video where I highlighted one student and the school.

Tutor, After Hours: After School Program, Old Fort First Baptist Church, Old Fort, NC. Tutored different students individually, helping them complete their homework. September 1997-May 1998.

Activities and Interests
Campus Crusade for Christ

Hobbies: Jogging, Basketball

Prospective Teacher's Scholarship, 1999-2000

Ifwan Kathari Scholarship 1998-1999

Dean's List, Appalachian State University, Fall 1998, Spring 1999

Professional Memberships
Member, North Carolina Association of Student Educators

Instructional Technology Skills
Word processing, Internet and world Wide Web, Powerpoint Presentation Software, video editing and production, Inspiration (graphic organizer program)

Career Objective
Seeking K-6 position in a public school setting

References and credentials available upon request.