Computer Skills Assessment

Basic Technology Competencies for Educators


STR GL 1.0 Computer Operation Skills DK K U AT Acquisition of Skills  Completion Date
Essential Knowledge & Skill
Demonstrate these skills:
TO K-3 1.1  Start up and shut down computer system and peripherals
-use correct start up/shut down procedure
-start up and shut down printer
-start up and shut down CD-ROM
-start up and shut down scanner
TO K-3 1.2 Identify and use icons, windows, menus
-point, click, double-click, click and drag with a mouse
-mazimize and minimize a window
-use pull-down and expanded pull-down menus
-select, open, and move an icon
-select, open, move, and close a window
-resize a window and title/stack windows
-scroll up/down, left/right within a window
-make a window active/inactive

DK = do not know                                   STR = curriculum strands                   GL = grade level
K = know, but needs additional help         SS = spreadsheet                               DB = database
U = know and use                                    SU = societal use                               TC = telecomputing
AT = able to teach                                    ET = ethics                                         IS = information systems
TO = terms and operations                       WP = word processing                       CSU = curriculum software use
BOLD = technology competencies