Beverly & Christi's Media Literacy Web Page

*Advertising Media*

Ronald McDonald of McDonald's

The following is a detailed lesson plan created for Mrs. Jones' third grade class at Bethel Elementary School.  Our objective was to teach the students about the various ways of advertising.  Incorporated  within this lesson plan is a  narrative writing assignment , which is what these third graders are working on.

Day 1

    ~Discuss types of media where commercials/advertisements are used:     ~Define words such as:  media, publicity, slogan, exaggeration
      ~Talk with students about their favorite commercials and why those commercials are their favorite.  Bring up topics which may be incorporated with the lesson such as music, slogan, attractiveness of product or person advertising product.  Also, teach about the truth in advertising. Show magazine ads, view commercial snippets.  Focus on the packaging, music used, and honesty.

         Can this toilet paper                            Will this gum make                                   Can this fish
            really hold this                                  your teeth sparkle                                      live better in
                   elephant?                                             like this?                                                  this bottled water?

Guided Practice
        ~Put students in groups.  Each group will represent one of the six methods of advertisement.  Group will envision a product to promote ( brainstorm in whole group prior to this portion of activity), and create that product using materials provided by instructor.  (Materials may include:  cardboard, poster board, foil, yard, construction paper, paper from recycling bin, cans, plastic bottles, scissors, glue, tape, etc.)  The product will be based upon the area of media in which that particular group has been assigned.  (For instance, TV Group will do a television commercial.)

Independent Practice
      ~Students will be given a worksheet with the criteria they are to complete:

        ~Homework:  Students are to bring in a magazine ad of their choice, or be prepared to share a television commercial he or she witnessed (other than ones shown in class on Day 1).  This will allow them to apply some of the concepts we discussed in class outside the classroom setting.

Day 2

Focus and Review
        ~Hold a question and answer session dealing with definitions discussed in Day 1.
        ~Students will show and tell about their homework assignment.

Guided Practice
        ~Students will gather with their groups assigned in Day 1.
        ~Teacher will provide necessary assistance for students while they are working within their groups on the assignment.  Students should be conferring about the criteria mentioned on the worksheet given the day before.  After students have met the criteria, they should be using the materials provided for them in order to  create their product.
         ~Once students have finished making their product, they should be practicing their promotion which will be presented on Day 3.

Day 3

Focus and Review
        ~Review the methods of media once more before presentations begin.  Answer any questions students may have dealing with any area covered during the past two lessons.

Guided Practice
            ~Have each group give a 1-2 minute presentation of their promotion.

Independent Practice
            ~After all of the presentations, students are to individually pick a product, other than their own which he or she liked.  In a one half page narrative, students will write about the reasons he or she would buy the product.  Reasons (may be listed on white board/black board) should include:


Tony the Tiger of Frosted Flakes cereal