Math Strands III

By: Kelley Crouse

Grade Level: First grade

Teacher Materials Needed: White board with multicolored markers.

Student Materials Needed: Interlocking cubes, colored pencils, and graph paper.

My Mathematical Goals for This Lesson:
To assess student knowledge of patterns.
To have students create their own patters.
To have students find “guests” in patterns.

Related NC Standard Course of Study Goals/Objectives:
Grade 1
3.04 Create and record patterns.  Identify and name the pattern unit or numerical sequence.

 Review patterns by putting some number patterns on the board.  Have students find the patterns.  Next, students need to write a couple of patterns of their own on their own paper.  Then, write a pattern on the board with an out of place “guest” (ex. 2, 4, 6, 9,10; the “guest” is 9).  Have the students identify the “guest” in the pattern.  Now have students create their own pattern containing a “guest”.

 Give the students multicolored interlocking cubes.  Have them create several patterns with the cubes.  Next, give the students the colored pencils and graph paper.  Have the students record one of their patterns on the graph paper with the colored pencils.  Tell the students that they may include a “guest” in their pattern if they choose to.

 Create several patterns on the board using the multicolored markers.  Be sure to include a “guest” in a few of the patterns.  Have the students identify the patterns.  They will need to come to the board to identify the patterns in an ABA pattern.  Help them if necessary to identify the “guest”.

Assessment/ Evidence of Learning:
 Now have the students trade graph paper with partners.   Have them find their partner’s pattern and record them on the paper they used earlier to write their number patterns.  They may also need to identify a “guest” in the pattern.  Have each set of partners turn their papers and graph papers in together so they may be assessed for their understanding of patterns.