Grade Level: 1
Teacher Materials Needed:
For each pair of students:
1. Lots-o-links
2. unifix cubes
3. recording sheets
Student Materials Needed:
Each pair of students needs:
1. Lots-o-Links
2. unifix cubes
3. recording sheets
My Mathematical Goals for this Lesson:
1. The student will be able to recognize, create, and describe various
2. The child will understand patterns and look for them throughout
their mathematical experiences.
Related NC Standard Course of Study Goals/Objectives:
Competency Goal 3: The learner will demonstrate an understanding of
classification, patterning, and seriation.
3.03 Copy, continue, and record patterns with actions, words and objects;
translate into other forms.
3.04 Create and record patterns. Identify and name the pattern unit
or numerical sequence.
I would begin my lesson on patterns by having the children pick out
patterns in the room. For example, floor tiles, wallpaper, clothing, etc.
could be used as
examples. Through this sharing activity, I would ask the children to
explain what a pattern is or what a pattern is not. This introduction would
both introduce patterns as everyday occurrences, and also define them in
words that the children could understand because they would be doing the
1. Have the children select a partner and assign each pair "A" or "B".
2. Pass out links to each pair in the class.
3. Have each pair create a pattern.
4. After a short period of time, enough to get the pattern started,
have the A's pass their patterns to the next pair of A's, and have the
B's pass their to the next pair of B's.
5. Allow this group to try to figure out the pattern and continue it.
Then pass the patterns to the next set of pairs.
6. Continue this until the patterns are resumed to their creators.
7. Have each pair stand up and share their original and ending patterns
with the class.
8. Have the children create more patterns with unifix cubes. Have them
record their patterns by coloring in boxes on the recording sheet to correspond
to their pattern Also, have the children find other patterns outside of
the classroom, for example, at home or on the playground.
Discuss with the class how patterns could be helpful. For example, they can give us clues as to what will come next (as in the links activity they did in class). With older children, patterns with numbers would be introduced at this time. Also, the children could take turns creating patterns and posting them in the classroom for their classmates to figure out.
Assessment/Evidence of Learning:
Assessment in this lesson could be done while the children are doing
the activity. The teacher could discuss with the pairs how they figured
out the patter, what the pattern is, and how they plan to continue the
pattern, etc. Assessment could also be done on the unifix recording sheet
and examples brought in by the students. Assessment would be informal as
the teacher would need to look for understanding of the concept of patterns.
This lesson plan can be found at: