Math lesson plan

Patterns, Relations, and Functions
Block It!!

Name: Anna Page

Grade: Three

Teacher Materials Needed:
Baggies for each child containing...
Three each of green triangles
                        blue rhombus
                        red trapezoids
                       yellow hexagon
give each group an extra yellow hexagon as the starting place.

Student materials:
Baggies full of shapes
Paper to keep score
Calculator for each group

My Math Goals:
1. Use problem solving strategies such as guess and check and visualization to play the game.
2. Use mental math to decide on the placement of pattern blocks.
3. look for patterns

North Carolina Course of Study Goals and Objectives:
3.03 Extend and create geometric and numeric sequences; describe patterns in a variety of ways; use calculators and computers where appropriate.
3.04 Analyze patterns; describe properties and translate into different forms. Create and record similar patterns.
3.05 Use patterns to make predictions and solve problems.

Instead of drilling our multiplication facts, we are going to play a game called ìBlock It.î We will play it once together and then we will play with a partner.

1.   Two players are needed to play BLOCK IT.  Each receives
     three each of the following pattern blocks:  green
     triangle, blue rhombus, red trapezoid, yellow hexagon.
2.   Players agree on assigned points for each color (e.g.
     green=1, blue=2, red=3, yellow=6).
3.   The game begins with one yellow hexagon starting block
     placed on the playing surface.  This piece does not
     belong to either player.
4.   The first player must place one of her/his blocks such
     that one side of the block is completely touching on
     one side of the block(s) on the playing surface.  The
     scoring for each play is the product of the
     block placed and those that it touches on a side.  Play
     continues until both players use all of their pieces.

     For example, Player A selects a green triangle to play,
     therefore the green triangle (1 point) touches the
     yellow hexagon (6 points) so 6 points (1x6) are scored.
     Player B then places a red trapezoid (3 points) such
     that it touches one full side of the green triangle (1
     point) and one full side of the yellow hexagon (6
     points); Player B scores 18 points (3x1x6).  Player A
     places a blue rhombus (2 points) that touches one full
     side of the green triangle (1 point) and one full side
     of the yellow hexagon (6 points) which scores another 12
     points (2x1x6) giving Player A a total now of 18
     points.  Player B continues play in this manner.

5.   Students may use a calculator to help them keep score.
6.   The player with the most total points after all pieces
     have been used is the winner.

1.   Have students share their scores and strategies used.
2.   What was the most points a player scored in one play in
     your game?  the least?
3.   Did students use the blocks with higher point values
     first or last?
4.   Does Player A have an advantage by going first?
5.   Is there a maximum score a player can earn?
6.   If the pieces were assigned different values, how would
     that affect their play?
7. What patterns work best? What patterns did you see? What patterns works the least or not at all?

I will look for...
1) The pattern variations
2) What students learn about problem solving strategies that they use in the game.
3) Students using calculators to check each other and not themselves.
4) Are they using the multiplication facts correctly?